(wait, what, "against Gravity" ? Sputtering ensues, Inertia folks chuckle.)
Alena Tensor—a new hope for unification in physics
Any movement under the influence of forces can be mathematically represented as movement along a curved path. Using differential geometry, one may equally well assume that the trajectory was straight, while the space in which the move took place is curved. It may sound complicated, but it can be assumed that there is a mathematical transformation that allows us to describe curved space-time equivalently as flat space-time where certain forces act.
It has long been suspected that such a transformation exists, although opinions on this matter are divided. Some physicists believe that the metric tensor, a mathematical object describing the curvature of space-time, is simply a feature of space-time. Some physicists, most often mathematical physicists, are of the opinion that such a transformation should exist.
Alena Tensor provides just such a transformation. In short, Alena Tensor can straighten curved space-time while preserving all conclusions from general relativity. This property alone makes Alena Tensor an extremely valuable tool, but this is just the beginning.
Alena Tensor in flat and curved space-time
We used Alena Tensor to describe a system with an electromagnetic field, obtaining three forces in flat space-time: electromagnetism (which is not surprising), "against gravity," and radiation reaction force.
The radiation reaction force is already known in physics. It safeguards the principle of conservation of energy and ensures that the energy of an accelerating body does not exceed the energy available in the physical system.
The "against gravity" force generalizes classical Newton's equation for gravity, providing a relativistic description of gravity in flat space-time, fully consistent with general relativity:
It faithfully reproduces the motion described in curved space-time.
This force does not act in freefall, respecting the equivalence principle.
Gravity in this description is not a force but the counteraction to gravity is.
The Alena Tensor allows for a smooth transition to the description used in the electromagnetic theory and then it turns out that:
Charged particles cannot remain at complete rest and should have spin, which agrees with quantum mechanics.
The reason for the existence of mass (and energy) of charged particles is the magnetic moment.
The above result basically explains what matter is, although so far it only applies to charged elementary particles and requires generalization to other fields.
The Alena Tensor also allows a smooth transition to the equations of general relativity. The obtained results provide some answers to the questions that have long puzzled physicists, concerning, e.g., singularities of black holes, cosmological constant, dark energy and dark matter.
Do we finally have quantum gravity?
Most mainstream efforts in the search for quantum gravity so far have focused on trying to translate the laws of quantum mechanics to curved space-time. Alena Tensor completely reverses this approach. It is much easier now to describe gravity in flat space-time in a way that mathematically reproduces general relativity and then uses the known tools of quantum mechanics.
Therefore, in the article we derived quantum equations describing the entire physical system with all previously mentioned forces. It turns out that these are three currently known main quantum equations. This leads to the completely surprising conclusion: It would mean that gravity has been present in quantum mechanics from the very beginning. It must be admitted that probably no one expected such a solution to the puzzle. In the article we also explain why it was so hard to spot gravity in quantum equations.
What happens next?
There are interesting times ahead, but no one should expect an immediate revolution. Science does not develop at the pace of messages on social networks. It will take several months for this research paper to get noticed, several months before researchers take an interest in it, read it and use its results. It also takes many months to conduct and describe research using the new mathematical apparatus, then go through the peer review process and publish it.
In the first articles, we should expect attempts to falsify Alena Tensor, because in physics, like in all science, we need to be sure that our next steps lead in the right direction. If falsification deceives and further research and experiments confirm the results obtained from Alena Tensor, we may hope that in the next three to 10 years, this will lead to the unification and reconciliation of many descriptions currently used in physics.
(more, on getting published)
Alena Tensor in unification applications
This paper will analyze a new unifying dualistic approach, called the Alena Tensor, using it to describe a physical system with an electromagnetic field. Previous publications [14, 15] have already shown, that Alena Tensor allows to obtain a coherent solution combining relativistic electrodynamics, continuum mechanics, QED and GR equations, so it is not just a purely theoretical, mathematical construction and seems worth further development. This method also indicates that the description of the physical system in curved spacetime and its description in flat spacetime with fields are equivalent, thanks to an appropriately constructed definition of the energy-momentum tensor for the system, which allows analysis in both flat and curved spacetime. Thanks to the equivalence of descriptions, as will be shown in this article, in the resulting picture of interactions in flat spacetime, gravity is not a force, which is indeed a direct consequence of GR. The force related to gravity occurring in a system in flat spacetime, will be found to act against gravity (e.g. centrifugal force) and result from any motion other than free fall, respecting equivalence principle.
In Alena Tensor approach, the metric tensor is not a property of spacetime, but only a way of describing it. The tensor of the field present in the system is responsible for all forces in flat spacetime, and thus also the field tensor defines the metric tensor for which all forces vanish and may be completely replaced by curvature in curvilinear description. According to this approach, gravity is not a body force (in the sense of Continuum Mechanics), but a side effect of existence of the energy of other, more fundamental fields (e.g. EM, Electroweak). As was shown in [14, 15], creation of the energy-momentum tensor taking into account the above assumptions, allows for a dualistic description (curvilinear, classical and quantum), leads to compatibility with currently used descriptions of physical systems and opens the way to many further studies. In this paper this analysis will be continued, using smooth transitions between the description of gravity, electromagnetism and the quantum picture, which is possible with the use of the Alena Tensor.