Hi folks,
Yet another
Earth Day has arrived (#44 & counting), and we're no closer to an
International agreement on climate change. Joe Romm has updated his
2008 post about this outdated 1970s concept. Going forward, he thinks we should call it "Triage Day".
My reply is simple, even obvious: let's call it
“Greenhouse Earth Day” because that's what we're creating. Set aside 1 day each year to pause, recognize and grieve for all the lives lost and the suffering inflicted by the droughts, hurricanes, storm surges, and resource wars of the previous calendar year… then go out and piss carbon into the atmosphere like madmen the rest of the year.
“Greenhouse Earth Day”. Sponsored by the crowd that tried to kill Sesame Street. Brought to you by the letters C+O and the number 2.
So I ask you, is it finally time to rename Earth Day? If so, then what do we call it, and why?