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Author Topic: 2019 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report  (Read 5444 times)


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2019 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report
« on: January 16, 2019, 05:07:35 PM »
Warning to Davos: World 'Sleep-Walking' Into Climate Disaster

The risks of catastrophic weather and flooding from climate change top the list of concerns for business leaders heading into next week's World Economic Forum meeting in Davos

An annual WEF report—based on a survey of about 1,000 respondents drawn from the Davos community of company chiefs, politicians, civil society and academics—listed climate change as the dominant concern for a third year running.

The Global Risks Report 2019 is published against a backdrop of worrying geopolitical and geo-economic tensions. If unresolved, these tensions will hinder the world’s ability to deal with a growing range of collective challenges, from the mounting evidence of environmental degradation to the increasing disruptions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

"The world is sleep-walking into catastrophe," Alison Martin, group chief risk officer at Zurich Insurance Group, said at the launch of the 114-page report in London on Wednesday.

The WEF report showed mounting alarm about the risks of extreme weather and a failure to take mitigating action as temperatures rise, detailing the possibility of many low-lying cities in Asia, Europe and North America being wiped off the map by flooding.

China alone has more than 78 million people in cities at risk of inundation, a number increasing by three percent every year, the report said, citing World Bank research.

Martin at Zurich Insurance Group said 2018 was already marked by historic wildfires, heavy flooding and rising greenhouse gas emissions.

"It is no surprise that in 2019, environmental risks once again dominate the list of major concerns. So, too, does the growing likelihood of environmental policy failure or a lack of timely policy implementation," she warned.

For environmentalists, such a policy failure has been made more likely by the election of Brazil's far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, who is due to address the annual WEF gathering.

Like Trump, Bolsonaro is a climate sceptic. But the two populist leaders won't get to rub shoulders in Switzerland after the US president cancelled his trip owing to the budget crisis in Washington.


... Future Shocks: As the world becomes more complex and interconnected, incremental change is giving way to the instability of feedback loops, threshold effects and cascading disruptions. Sudden and dramatic breakdowns—future shocks—become more likely. In this section, we present 10 such potential future shocks. Some are more speculative than others; some build on risks that have already begun to crystallize. These are not predictions. They are food for thought and action—what are the possible future shocks that could fundamentally disrupt or destabilize your world, and what can you do to prevent them?

- Food Supply Disruption Emerges As A Tool As Geo-Economic Tensions Intensify

- Use Of Weather Manipulation Tools Stokes Geopolitical Tensions

- Advanced And Pervasive Biometric Surveillance Allows New Forms Of Social Control

- In A World Of Diverging Values, Human Rights Are Openly Breached Without Consequence

- Escalating Protectionist Impulses Call Into Question Independence Of Central Banks

- Widening Gulf Between Urban And Rural Areas Reaches A Tipping Point

- Quantum Computing Renders Current Cryptography Obsolete

- AI That Can Recognize And Respond To Emotions Creates New Possibilities For Harm

- Low Earth Orbit Becomes A Venue For Geopolitical Conflict

When something goes wrong in a complex system, problems start popping up everywhere, and it is hard to figure out what’s happening. And tight coupling means that the emerging problems quickly spiral out of control and even small errors can cascade into massive meltdowns.

US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Report: 'China Military Power'; China’s Military Is Getting Better at a Lot of Things at Once

DIA’s ‘Russia Military Power’

DIA's 2018 Global Nuclear Landscape
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 07:36:21 AM by vox_mundi »
There are 3 classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see

Insensible before the wave so soon released by callous fate. Affected most, they understand the least, and understanding, when it comes, invariably arrives too late

Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus


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Re: 2019 World Economic Forum
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 05:15:24 PM »
Youtube video >>


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Re: 2019 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2019, 02:35:09 AM »
Trump cancels US delegation to Davos World Economic Forum due to shutdown

President Donald Trump has canceled his delegation's trip to the World Economic Forum, citing the ongoing partial government shutdown. (probably didn't like all that climate change stuff either)
There are 3 classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see

Insensible before the wave so soon released by callous fate. Affected most, they understand the least, and understanding, when it comes, invariably arrives too late

Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus


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Re: 2019 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2019, 06:52:34 AM »
Re: USGov not to send delegation to Davos

O no! World's foremost oligarchy refuses to participate in world conference of oligarchs !



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Re: 2019 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2019, 04:34:12 AM »
My Message to Davos Elites: Act As If Our House Is on Fire. Because It Is 


At places like Davos, people like to tell success stories. But their financial success has come with an unthinkable price tag. ...  We are facing a disaster of unspoken sufferings for enormous amounts of people. And now is not the time for speaking politely or focusing on what we can or cannot say. Now is the time to speak clearly.

Solving the climate crisis is the greatest and most complex challenge that Homo sapiens have ever faced. The main solution, however, is so simple that even a small child can understand it. We have to stop our emissions of greenhouse gases.

Either we do that or we don’t.

You say nothing in life is black or white. But that is a lie. A very dangerous lie. Either we prevent 1.5C of warming or we don’t. Either we avoid setting off that irreversible chain reaction beyond human control or we don’t.

Either we choose to go on as a civilization or we don’t. That is as black or white as it gets. There are no grey areas when it comes to survival.

... Adults keep saying: “We owe it to the young people to give them hope.” But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act.

I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.


Children's Climate Rallies Gain Momentum In Europe

... In Brussels, home to the main EU institutions, students carried banners with slogans such as "Dinosaurs thought they had time too" ...
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 04:53:22 AM by vox_mundi »
There are 3 classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see

Insensible before the wave so soon released by callous fate. Affected most, they understand the least, and understanding, when it comes, invariably arrives too late

Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus


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Re: 2019 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2019, 05:33:46 PM »
Fed should worry about AGW - next financial crisis could be climate driven:

EDIT: Corporations will be financially hit by AGW within 5 years...not prepared:
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 05:53:11 PM by Tom_Mazanec »


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Re: 2020 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2020, 07:12:25 PM »
WEF Risks Report Ranks Climate Change as Biggest Global Threat

In its 15th Global Risks Report published on Wednesday, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has said that for the first time in the report's history all of the "top long-term risks by likelihood" are environmental. While in the previous decade economic and financial crises were seen as most dangerous, the report has found that risk perceptions have shifted to extreme weather, environmental disasters, biodiversity loss, natural catastrophes and failure to mitigate climate change.

"Climate change is a very real and serious threat to society," said Alison Martin, a senior member of Zurich Insurance Group, who helped compile the publication, alongside consultancy Marsh & McLennan and a number of renowned universities from across the world.

"Extreme weather events such as heat waves and flooding are becoming more commonplace and severe, leaving communities to deal with often devastating humanitarian and economic costs," she added.

"The near-term impacts of climate change add up to a planetary emergency that will include loss of life, social and geopolitical tensions and negative economic impacts," the report says, adding that failure of climate change mitigation and adaption is the No. 1 risk by impact and number two by likelihood over the next 10 years.

With it comes the loss of biodiversity — ranked as the second most impactful and third most likely risk for the next decade — which has critical implications for humanity due to the likely collapse of food and health systems and disruptions of entire supply chains.

... WEF describes the world we live in as rife with "geopolitical and geoeconomic uncertainty." Powerful economic, demographic and technological forces are shaping a new balance of power, in which states are increasingly viewing opportunities and challenges through "unilateral lenses."

As a result, alliance structures and multilateral systems are threatening to collapse under the pressure of "nationalist postures in pursuit of individual agendas and economic decoupling."

... Amid fraying global consensus about politics and economics, the WEF fears that 2020 will be marked by heightened economic confrontations and domestic political polarization, the report says.

In addition, weakening economic growth and rising financial inequality are increasing the risk of economic stagnation, while at the same time governments' space to stimulate economies with monetary and fiscal policy is narrowing.

Amid this darkening economic outlook, people's discontent with their political leaders is set to harden, leading to more public protests that are potentially weakening the ability of governments to take decisive action should a downturn occur.

But without economic and social stability, countries could lack the "financial resources, political capital or social support needed to confront key global risks."

There are 3 classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see

Insensible before the wave so soon released by callous fate. Affected most, they understand the least, and understanding, when it comes, invariably arrives too late

Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus

The Walrus

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Re: 2019 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2020, 08:33:10 PM »
When reading their climate report, I noticed some rather unusual statements.  When I checked their references, I discovered why.  Most were from from network news, government, or internet sites.  I was hard pressed to find a reference to a solid peer-reviewed scientific journal.  Overall, the organization appears to be a political rather than scientific entity.


  • Multi-year ice
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Re: 2019 World Economic Forum: Global Risk Report
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2020, 08:43:38 PM »
Doesn't it give one a nice warm comforting feeling to know that The Masters of The Universe have got it all in hand and will fix it for us.

Mind you, that is if we are good children and don't rock the boat..

Amid this darkening economic outlook, people's discontent with their political leaders is set to harden, leading to more public protests that are potentially weakening the ability of governments to take decisive action should a downturn occur.

But without economic and social stability, countries could lack the "financial resources, political capital or social support needed to confront key global risks.

Go back to school, Greta!
And you XR people, back to work like the good economic utils you are.
"Para a Causa do Povo a Luta Continua!"
"And that's all I'm going to say about that". Forrest Gump
"Damn, I wanted to see what happened next" (Epitaph)