Radiation management that is in direct conflict with PV, or any other energy generation scheme that relies on sunshine.
PV will still work to some extent, just not its rated capacity. Panel prices may drop, but installation, maintenance & cleaning costs will increase as efficiency drops.
Does GW end when solar radiation is throttled back by 10%, 25% or 1/3?
You are way off with your assumptions.
With that kind of reduction, you will drop Earth into a global deep freeze (snowball Earth).
To get some perspective : A doubling of CO2 (from 280ppm pre-industrial to 560ppm in the not too distant future) will cause a 3.7 W/m
2 Top Or Atmosphere (TOA) global radiative 'forcing'.
So you would need to drop solar irradiance by 4*3.7= 14.8 W/m
2 to compensate. The factor 4 comes from the relation between the surface of a sphere (4*pi*r
2) versus the sun illuminating the disk of planet Earth (pi*r
Total solar irradiance at TOA is about 1361 W/m
2, so to compensate for a doubling of CO2, you only need to reduce solar irradiance by about 1%.
That 1% reduction is VERY hard to do though, and in my opinion would be NUTS to even try geoengineering of that scale, but even if it would be done, it for sure would not significantly impact the efficiency of solar PV installations around the planet.