Bruce and Terry, good morning, thanks for the interest and suggestions guys, much appreciated.
Thanks for the ideas dear Bruce. I have no access to an allotment but it is possible to rent garden space from a communal one. It is not cheap and would seriously press on my budget. In addition I need to buy basic equipment and seeds/covers/stakes to make it work. In these times every single household has all sorts of the exact same equipment and don't share.
I have lived in this apartment for more than a year and still have not been able to hang anything on my walls because I don't have a drill but I know all those households around me will each have a drill. -Rrringg- "Sir could I please borrow your drill?" "Who are you?" "No, maybe the neighbour". I hardly know anyone here. This may change in the future but people (grown-ups) in general are not very open and trusting when they have accumulated a lot and are in the process of accumulating more.Of course there must be nice kind and open welcoming people who like to share but I haven't met them yet, well perhaps I did where I'm sitting in the woods but they need to trust me first. I am this homeless looking guy sitting for hours every day on the same bench. My apartment complex mainly houses (very) old people and couples who have no need for equipment and keep mostly to themselves. Closed curtains and all that.
For a local sweetener I could try sugar beets and boil/syrup them (thanks for the tip) to get unrefined white crystal sugar. Are sugar beets local? Looks like I am making things very very difficult for myself. Likely unsolvable.
Extra methane production from my symbiotic friend? O no!
Dear Terry, I don't know if that's a reasonable goal. I am no expert but here in Friesland the thing that's been a bit of a threat is prolonged drought. Nothing serious yet. There is not much food grown for human consumption here. Endless rows of mono-culture ryegrass fields that get mowed (shaven) many times per year to feed the indoor cattle. And some Corn, also for cattle.
I am a bit lost in how to proceed because I refuse to just find a solution for myself. Most people only care for themselves with their foodgrowing and don't share. I see all those allotments and private vegetable gardens showing nice food but they are far out of reach for me, being privately owned. Everyone for himself is not my forté. I don't want to make the same mistake. This is not just about finding an alternative sweetener.
I thought about growing Chinese yams on my balcony but 1. they are not local and 2. it will be a potted plant and I recently (see above post) changed my view on that.
It looks I have painted myself into a corner with my world view and life choices to match that understanding.
I am still learning about what our local foods of old are. Then again, almost all mono-culture fields are sprayed with biocides. Soil degradation will become prominent in the not so distant future I think. So I don't know whether or not those original local crops will be able to grow as they used to. Man I know hardly anything of growing food. Foraging is not an option because almost every piece of available fertile land is already used for mono-agriculture. There are some organic farms but they get no help/exemptions from government regulations even though the strict rules are made to stop the bad behaviour of agri-industry, so it's decouraged and difficult for farmers to convert more land to organic production. What a world.
Apologies for this messy post. My thoughts on this are not yet in line with each other.
Did you know? I have read the other day that The Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural produce after the U.S.A.. Most of that is indoor grown in greenhouses and takes up an enormous amount of dirty energy and chemicals. Is a crash of those exports and implied economic growth dip to be expected in the next 10 years? The whole giant sector needs to change and will be impossible to go on like they have.