"trump"over nature and our fellow humans instead of making wise use of said skills and talents.
Hi philopek, I'm just curious what you think 'wise use' will be like?
Is it what uncontacted nature tribes are doing? They resisted the temptation of trumping nature.
It is through technology we can give in to this temptation I think. Without it, not so much trumping.
Maybe this is too off topic?
I very much appreciate your question and the way you ask
As we both know wisdom is a huge topic and there is no such thing like matter of fact objective wisdom.
Nevertheless there are a few ingredients to wisdom that are generally valid, hence i shall limit my reply to those and withouth claim that the list is in any way complete:
- experience
- ego-control
- ethics (not morale, morale is man made dogma in too many cases)
- modesty
- diligence
- love, respect etc.
- readiness to give more than to receive
- consequence
- a certain minimum of intellect while no Einstein level is necessary if the above are present
- willingness to accept facts like laws of physics and other natural laws, some are eternal
. and again others are epochal etc.
I hope that those keywords contain enough hinting to what I consider ingredients for wisdom
while genuine "goodwill" love, respect, and not too much self-importance are a must and i do not
mean romantic love, at least not exclusively