true about the twitter feeds. I just meant watch out for bots, too.
no room for an honest word any more.
the target seems to be those who engage with it. the idea is to demoralize them so they stop speaking out. because we're in a shit fire in 2019, they will keep coming now. bots too. people will do anything for no good reason, interfere with the obs next. prank emit refrigerants. the mood seems to be that whatever happens will be good. death, whatever. good. because "just say anything" is a cheap attack on information. and to a species that has evolved to focus on social bullshit, holding sway over conversation is far more valuable than fending for yourself. it's a life that's only possible in complexity, and it's the first niche that will go away when things simplify further. i just don't want to acquire bias by caring. because i'm scared, and i don't want to lose my wits.
weather plays a big role in human mood. changing weather, heat, severe weather & disasters all play out as different attitudes down the road. the mood is changing and a lot of people are vocalizing it.
we are so spoiled rich, with the Earth as it was for the past 10,000 years. it allowed civilization to become unfit in character. there's no respect for life. until now, superabundance made anything acceptable. all you had to do was be in a group, hoot nonsense, and you were taken care of.
the groupies are hooting loudly into the darkness these nights