Great video Lurk, thank you. It confirms a lot of my observations and conclusions. I think I can trust the source though I am careful when some media so closely matches my understanding.
Isn't social hierarchy a bitch. It is obvious from the video to me, that people are the same independent of their wealth or gender.
nanning, you ought to read Daniel Quinn's short book called Ishmael. I think it will match with your ideas and add some more thoughts to your insights.
I have avoided this thread, because my eyes glaze over now whenever I see people confusing (as you've pointed out) what is really just
the one culture of civilization, and instead use phrases that imply "all humans" ... like,
the human race, human history, mankind, etc etc ... when they
are really only speaking about the behaviors of the one particular culture called civilization, and then treating that as if that was all of humanity since forevers and evers.It really is quite a myth bubble civilization has set up around itself.
Quinn took this idea quite far, and he even tied it into the use of language to support the self reinforcing myth that I just pointed out as being one of the ways that the mythology bubble is spread as reinforced, and how resistant people are to acknowledging they are even in such a culture (ie, your 'bubble' you mentioned.) He also tore apart a whole lot more pertaining to the ideas you just expressed too. He did give a date, a reason, shows a historical trajectory, and follows the emergence of this culture's anthropological footprint as it emerged and eventually engulfed the entire planet, which is where we now are today.'ll also send you to page 122 of his second book as well for his particular walk through history showing this singular cultures track as it spread out across the world and either wiped out, or assimilated, all other cultures in it's path as it expanded due to it's quirky worldview (which it now thinks is the entire "human" worldview instead of being just a particular culture that emerged with it's own unique worldview, alongside other cultures that the one culture has now pretty much eliminated from the earth.)
I think you'll find yourself reading your own thoughts as you read his light, easy to read material presented in the format of a Socratic discussion.
Remember, go to page 122 of this one, but do read all of the above Ishmael first (150 or so pages.) insanity you speak of was also noticed by the Cree as well, and labeled "Wetiko" ... which basically translates into "narcissistic cannibal." You may want to research that concept too.
You're not the only one who's intuited such things, and Quinn actually traced the evolution of this culture back to it's initial emergence through being heavily well read and informed about anthropology and civilization history.
Good luck. I think you'll really relate to Quinn's ideas quite a bit, and it will add some thoughts to your bag.