I have a new job since the 15th of January, I work for the local administration, mainly to manage the maintenance and upgrade of the local infrastructure. One part of the work is to manage locally the Luxembourgish national CO2 reduction objectives.
In that last part, there is a part "information work to the local community", so I'm looking for interesting documents that can be shared (links from a web-site) or published in local papers.
It can be about climate change, about policies and solutions, or about walking the walk. The only issue is that it has to be "politically correct", and I believe that I am safe as long as I stay technical. For example UNI Bremen has a document about Klimawandel that might very well do the job
https://www.mpi-bremen.de/Klimawandel.html (I am just suprised by parts of the page about Climate Engineering, brightening clouds over the see to reduce climate change is something I never heard of).
Another example I like is the energy consumption data
https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~histecon/energyhistory/energydata.htmlIf you have similar links to provide, I'd be very interested. I prefer French and German, but maybe other people are looking for other languages, and English can always be used or translated.
Thanks, best regards,