Quote from: bluesky on August 11, 2019, 09:27:26 PM
"This is extremely rare to see information about carbon, water, an biodiversity footprint on a food packaging, this the following information that I can read on the packaging of smoked trout bought in France and the trout was farmed in France: carbon footprint 828g, water footprint 2.2 litters, biodiversity : 0.76m2 equivalent of urban town for a year. All for 100g of trout. How does it compare with other food?"
Above was posted in "what is a sustainable carbon footprint for every human alive today?" but did not drive clarifying answers so re posting it
The trout producer is ovive
https://www.ovive-truite.fr/?lang=en%I of course have no interest in this company, apart from buying (rarely) their product when I am in France, and have more interest whether the data they advertise makes sense and whether it compares favourably or unfavourably with other fish farming's (or wild fish) carbon, water and biodiversity footprint, knowing that these trouts are farmed inland from running river water and feeded with 25 percent of fishes from labelled sustainable fishing the remaining with seeds. The trout are farmed in France in several fish farms (Pyrenees, Charente, Britanny) and sold all over France, the one I bought was in Lille produced in the Pyrenees so presumably with a relatively high carbon emission from transport unless it was transported by rail which i doubt, I presume the footprint is at the producer doorstep not at the selling point... I generally don't find the fish farming process as very environmentally friendly as it requires fishing stocks and farm land footprint not used in the most efficiently way, but the question is whether the type of omega 3 that we find in fishes are not the same and are complementary to omega 3 from vegetals.
The company has a few quality certification AFAQ AFNOR (respected French certification process) on energy(ISO 50001) and environment (ISO 14001)
May be Geoff will read the post and give his opinion as he has skills in carbon footprint and has been advocating for carbon footprint being disclosed for every food item.