Yes Rich, all of what you say is true and it's not an easy problem on a local level, and yes, it is going to vary dramatically on a daily basis but only on a local or regional area, IMHO. I'm not sure, but I would posit that the total amount in the air at any time is pretty constant.
Similarly, the CO2 levels are not uniform and the concentration in the southern hemisphere has a lag of about a year (IIRC).
Likewise, temperatures vary wildly across the planet.
That said, "we" are still able to come up with a CO2 concentration number and a temperature for the entire globe.
There is no stated, that I can find, global water vapour level, but there has been a 7% increase, so it has been quantified relatively, and I would like to know what is the relative increase is, in terms of CO2 concentration equivalent.
That seems to be a very elusive number, even as an estimate. If I were to put on my tin foil hat, I would say that there is a reluctance to quantify it as the denier crowd would then claim that the CO2 levels are irrelevant.
I believe some are already doing that anyway, and in someways they are right.
Personally, I think we have tweaked the dragon's tail and all we can do is hang on and see where he takes us.