Ni .. can you help ? .. I've no idea what you said .. but I like the outcome .. I have no idea how to find the autoplay disabler . I have no education or much interest in computers other than to access what I think #I want to see . I don't understand the language and have made no attempt to learn . Could you post an 'idiots guide' to getting the job done perhaps on the gifs thread .. it would be much appreciated ..
Posting here as per your suggestion via PM and do my best to get you there
a) You'd need to update "Google Chrome" to anything above 76.x.xxxx.....
- Attached screenshot(s) are OSX/Mac versions but to find and update
- under Windows would be not so much different.
- Thing is that a) and b) are not related but a) comes with a then new feature that would
- not load background (invisible) media content by default which already solves one of your main
- issues that was that each time you visit a page it would reload all the videos, images and gifs.
- as to the videos i'm 100% sure it won't but i did not test each media file extension separately.
b) You'd have to install a specific Extension or several should you find others on my list that make sense for you
It allows you to decide on a "per site" basis to disable auto-launch/auto-play of
html5 content.
- Screenshot attached as well and the link to that specific one separately below : As to dealing with .gif files in a similar manner i link you to a search collection containing various solutions and workarounds, perhaps you find one that is after your gusto.
Hopefully this is useful, else let me know, i'll come by here again