They are both wrong.
You see, I asked to end it and with such a side note you make it impossible.
Before making such remarks after a lengthy discourse you should read first, it's so easy and if you read my text and the linked text you might start to understand that the scientific and true definition of "Ice-Age" is as long as any ice exists on planet earth. Everything else are stages of the same: with your good reputation should be extra careful because your content weighs heavy.
Since this is a scientific place and it's mentioned so often, the scientific definition of "Ice-Age"
should be what counts.
BTW all my previous content was copied text from various papers by scientists with doctorates and professorship on the topic.
EDIT: The Laurentides were stages of the current ice-age and they are used in street language as "the ice-age" which is not correct.
Everyone who has another OPINION can have it of course but everyone who wants to be serious and has another opinion should now start reading and diversify between official, scientific terms and common street language mostly used by those not educated or educated with a narrow focus.
A medical doctor for example won't go through as stupid or not smart but in fact, if he knows little else than what it takes for his field of expertise and if he learned all that with thousands of hours of learning through the nights, he can indeed be neither specially smart nor well educated. For example he would probably not know what the definition of ice-age is.
One can stand in front of thousand people with 10 topics to lecture and once one would proof the the first group of hundred that they know little and are wrong, 900 others would acclaim and scream hurray, but only until it's their term to be ousted as narrow minded or narrow educated and what remains at the end of the day is one lynched man, the one who proved them all wrong a mob of thousand who killed the guy because they were hurt in their egos.
This sound unpopular, it is unpopular and the reason why it's so unpopular is because it's the sad truth.
One can go to a place with 1000 people with the same goal and a similar motivation and a similar opinion and at the end they will go to war with each other over a tiny difference in interpretation.
One of the best examples are Muslims and Christians, they have the same god, the same the same the same and still they kill each other for thousands of years because their leaders seek power and want to install and maintain their power though claiming that they know the only truth, i.e which of their joint prophets is the main prophet, they not even deny the other prophet's existence, such a joke, and the same happens here and everywhere.
BTW someone said that deleting an account is horrible and such. As long as a forum admin can BAN users, users of course can BAN the forum by deleting their account. Another one of those examples where the same is not the same.
And as long as such is mankind and feels fit to change the worlds nothing can change at all. All has been, is and will be lost in disputes over hurt egos and insisting to apply power over others, small or big.
Last but not least the discussion that lead to this thread was whether we are in an ice-age or not, i said yes and bbr said no. So this thread title should be: Are we in an ice age or not ?
Many will not be interested because they don't know what "Laurentides 1 + 2 were and will continue to believe that the ice-ages were defined by ice being where their house is now. Totally self-centered views as always.