A new record low 365 day average extent in 2019 ?
(JAXA Extent data as at 27th October 2019)
On the 27th October 2018 extent is 556 k greater than 2019.
There is 116 k to go to a new record 365 day low, (9,683,735 km2), with the daily reduction in the 365 day average on 27th October at just over 1,400 k. So the date of a new record low is currently circa mid January.
But if you look at the plume of daily gains from now to mid Decvember (attached), you will see that 2018 gains were far above average, indeed for much of the time the highest in the last 10 years. On the other hand, recent Arctic extent gains have been extremely high.
IFF (if & only if) 2019 extent gains are generally at average, this will increase the difference between 2018 and 2019 extent substantially, which would increase the daily reduction in the 365 day average substantially. Just maybe we could see a record 365 day average low very late in this year. However, there are only 65 days to 31st December.
On the other hand, if extent gains stay high and above those in 2018, one could see a new record low delayed or even put out of reach once 2019 extent is greater than 2018.
I still plump for an early 2020 record low - (Jan to April)
Data table & graphs attached