NOAA has created a new site "Trends in Atmospheric SF
6" on its website.
It reports monthly about the actual SF
6 concentrations at sea level. SF
6 is a very powerful GHG and per kg 26,087-fold more intense than CO
2; converted into molar activity the factor is 86,678. I translated the CO
2 equivalent into the concentration graph. It is not much (we talk about ppt concentrations), but more than nothing, and constantly increasing (higher than linearly = acceleration).
The latest value is for May 2019:
May 2019: 9.90 ppt
May 2018: 9.55 ppt
Last updated: September 18, 2019The annual increase is 0.35 ppt, above all average annual increase rates (see below)
Annual increase rates (averaged over 5 years):
1998-2003: 0.20 ppt
2003-2008: 0.24 ppt
2008-2013: 0.29 ppt
2013-2018: 0.33 ppt
See attached graphs (concentration and increase rates, expressed as percentage)
Link to the website: