From personal experience:
I have been sitting many hours outside in the winter 52N for years. I lost weight and now have a fat percentage <12 and I can confirm what Terry wrote, that I now have much more problems in keeping warm. 4 years ago I was ca. 67 Kg and now 59 Kg. Fat acts as a heated insulating thick watertight blanket.
I am very muscular (not large muscles but muscles everywhere, such as in my kneehole
). Not from sports or fitness but from physically behaving like a child/teenager all my life.
If I am active, I am warm.
If I am not active, such as when I sit still every day for >3 hours outside in living nature, I have to put on many layers of clothing to keep warm. Many times I'm sitting there with 3 layers of separate coats on whilst some people walking by don't even wear a coat.
Outside I can get a good idea of the temperature by putting my right hand over the top of my left hand and sense the temperature difference. Accurate to +- 1C. My left hand is normally resting on my right hand which is resting on my upper left leg. In that way the palm side of my right hand keeps warm and the back of my left hand is exposed to temperature and wind. This doesn't work if it's too cold because then i'll put my hands in my coat's pockets.