Indeed, no agreement could be reached. felt there where too much targets for farmers but a lack of perspective. They also don´t want a hard cap on the amount of animals which is one other measure coming.
Now tweets:
The final “negotiations” between the Dutch farmers & the Dutch government have officially failed. The government didn’t budge and is going to proceed with their totalitarian land grab. New protests are expected this summer. Let’s get ready for the fight.
The negotiations were actual negotiations. Long tradition too. Lets first see if we can work something out.
Here it is not possible.
There is more legislation from the EU coming and i think the farmers are not being realistic. There is no totalitarian land grab. There is a variety of offers listed above.
The object is not the land but to remove the real intensive animal farming to take a chunk out of the nitrogen deposition.
The last article it is old since it mentions the upcoming march elections. The backlash has come and talks in at least 2 provinces also collapsed near to an agreement. Very different agreement just sharing of power and responsibility. Not sure how many province coalitions have actually formed by now.
But when you take a step back from nitrogen pollution and look at the impact of agriculture altogether, the Dutch is not an isolated case at all.
It can not be.
It is a special case because:
1) We are the biggest farming exporter after the US. Size wise this makes no sense. Money wise it does. It is just one of our recent specialties and we have ran with policies that promote more efficient big farming until recently.
2) We are the good guys. We sign on to all kind of things to help but then we go back to money making. We signed enough international treaties to show that our current policies where a odds with those agreement and that is why the government lost the court case just as anybody involved with that version of the law predicted years ago.
Then we should get to see how this is solved. Apparently it is hard.
And in general this type of intense animal farming needs to be removed. Many comment paint a picture of ´farmers´ where people think of the old type but these are nothing like the large factory type modern farms. See the post on poisons on farms above and also consider that soy from the Amazon goes into this.
None of this is responsible farming, just farming as we do it now.
We know that globally we can´t keep doing what we do either. As so many things farming must be made sustainable but many profit from the non sustainable side so they will fight that.