I've softened some of Friv's comments above but left the Friv-binntho exchange intact as it saves me some speeches. While I fully agree with Friv's analysis of the melt momentum, and share his frustration with some of the comments on this thread, binntho is exactly right in his rebuttal - wrong people are wrong, not trolls, and by posting wrong opinions they are not derailing the thread. They are probably derailing their future reputation as ice forecasters, and showing that even on the famed ASIF people can be spectacularly wrong.
Please avoid continuing this meta-discussion on this thread, consider binntho's as the last word. I will continue editing if needed when posters make personal comments about other posters' character or intentions. Of course, feel free to comment about other posters' wrongness.
One thing I will not allow further without some references - the claim that ice in the middle of the ocean is ridged and stacked in the summer under a HP ("compaction") regime. While I know nothing much of the subject, this has been a recurring talking point (esp. Michael Hauber) with no proof presented, and under dispute by many other posters. So I ask further claims of this type to be made in a separate thread and scientific references be presented to bolster said claim.