2020 crosses 2012 by August 10th, most likely between Aug. 6th and Aug 8th.
2020 crosses 2019 sometime between Aug 9th and Aug 13th, then crosses back into 2nd lowest territory between Aug 13th and Aug 21st.
Extent *may* cross over 2012. Not convinced it will pass back over 2019.
The area losses are continuing un-abated, and I suspect will continue in much the same vein, as the CAA and Greenland seas start being hit hard, and as ice exported into the Atlantic "killing zones" disappears.
Extent will start failing as a result of that, as dispersed ice suddenly drops under the concentration thresholds over wide areas.
*Everything* is melting fast, and as a lot of that is "in situ", I think it will artificially prop up extent numbers.
Looking at the Bremen concentration map and comparing it to that posted on Aug 4th of 2012, 2020's concentration really doesn't look a lot better, with vast areas of the Pacific side - at lower latitudes - dropping under 70% concentration.
Meanwhile, the Laptev/ESS margins will reverse their retreat and return to their implacable march towards the pole, with the Barents and Kara margins closing on the flanks of the CAB as well.