A. I can't believe I've just wasted my time reading this. This article is highly biased to the point of being funny. Hat sizes dropping, scary.
B. The site is a climate change denier blog, Judith Curry's new favorite.
Highly biased, just means he doesn't share your view.
A. "The Six Horsemen of the Vaccine Injury Generation
Yes, the smallpox and polio vaccines were critical. Yes vaccines can eradicate certain types of disease. But there is a cost – on the order of $185 billion to US households alone, and only if you count the burden borne by the families of the 5% most severely impacted by early and frequent immune activation (see Newborn immune activation may have long-term negative impact on brain function).30 31 Those who enforce vaccine policy, and knowingly and willfully ignore this cost are just as guilty as if they had caused the maladies themselves. Six defined and undeniable trends are already underway, most well represented inside the Vaccinial Generation of kids – those born after 1994. Six related, statistically verifiable and risk-indicating trends which are ignored by the holier-than-thou defenders of pharmaceutical corporate profits. Yes, while a 7 event vaccine schedule can be argued to be a necessary decision of mercy – a 54 event one cannot. It is fueled simply by profit (as we saw above).
The real cost of this profit, the six gross indicators of childhood injury are as follows:"
Quote, from one of his very few articles on climate change "Now before reviewing this article I must ask two things of its prospective reader. First, before getting one’s more-sciencey-than-thou Underoos all askew and succumbing to the temptation to assign me an ‘anti-‘ label, understand that I am a proponent of addressing anthropogenic global warming as a first priority for mankind. I have worked harder than the vast majority on this planet inside issues targeting mitigation of volatile organic compounds, alkanes, methane, carbon monoxide and dioxide contribution on the part of mankind. I have conducted professional studies regarding the value chain of carbon inside the economy, and have developed businesses and worked to change markets, with a principal focus of mitigating carbon contribution by the various industries involved. I am gravely concerned about human contribution to the the stark rise in global temperatures now obviously underway."
Fortunately he provides a reading list.
Luke E. Taylor, Amy L. Swerdfeger, Guy D. Eslick; Vaccines are not associated with autism: An evidence-basedmeta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies; Elsevier: Vaccine 32 (2014) 3623–3629
Statistica: Global vaccine market revenues from 2014 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)*; 26 Dec 2018; web,
https://www.statista.com/statistics/265102/revenues-in-the-global-vaccine-market/Wall Street Journal: Merck Revenue and Profit Rise on Cancer Drugs, Vaccine; 25 Oct 2016; web,
https://www.wsj.com/articles/merck-revenue-and-profit-rise-on-cancer-drugs-vaccines-1477395829Vaccines: Expert Consult (Expert Consult Title: Online + Print) 5th Edition; Stanley A. Plotkin MD, Walter Orenstein MD DSc, Paul A. Offit MD; ISBN-13: 978-1416036111
The Ethical Skeptic, “Epistemological Domain and Objective Risk”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 23 May 2019; Web,
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https://www.docdroid.net/8zJh4QQ/1-11-18-matheson-plotkin.pdf#page=75Vaccines: Expert Consult (Expert Consult Title: Online + Print) 5th Edition; Stanley A. Plotkin MD, Walter Orenstein MD DSc, Paul A. Offit MD; ISBN-13: 978-1416036111
The New York Times, The Price of Prevention: Vaccine Costs are Soaring; 2 Jul 2014;
https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/03/health/Vaccine-Costs-Soaring-Paying-Till-It-Hurts.html?mtrref=www.google.com&gwh=18D9ABE115E4108AB746B5E19011BFEF&gwt=payBregu, et al.; Accelerating vaccine development and deployment: report of a Royal Society satellite meeting; Philosophical Transactions: The Royal Society Publishing;
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