Cornel West gives a far from resounding 'endorsement' of Biden here starting at about minute 35 with other reflections on the moment at hand here: specifically Biden stuff starts at about minute 41.
"'Endorse' might be too strong a word, my dear sister...I consider myself a part of an antifacist coalition against the gangster in the WH, and the question is, how do we get him out before the democratic experiment
completely runs out.
I consider my dear brother, Joe Biden, a mediocre, milquetoast neoliberal, responsible for ... the largest, most vicious prison system in the world. That's what those crime bills going from the '80's and 90's did, and he bragged about it up until a few years ago.
I consider his support of the invasion and occupations of Iraq a crime against humanity...
I consider him supporting Wall Street greed...
It's hard for me to say I'm
endorsing a mediocre, milquetoast neoliberal like Joe Biden.
No, I'm calling on us to kinda hold our noses and vote...even though he's no friend of working people, he's no friend to poor people, but at this point he seems to be the only thing to do to get
out the neo- fascist gangster in the White House..."