To begin with, there was an error in the units, it should have been 2E16 kJ which adds 3 zeroes to the calculation.
3600 km3 * 5kJ/m3 = 2E13 kJ = 2E16 J = 0.03% * 6E19 J. I am still sure this is correct result in your calculations. Though I doubt in assumptions.
I am unable to change my original posting to correct the "Chukchi" for "Laptev" and "J" for "kJ". But I have been through my calculations again and found several errors. The final conclusion is however still valid.
Let's start with the ice:
Latent heat is the amount of energy needed to melt ice at melting point. Of course, more energy is needed in the real world, since any large scale melt event will also have to heat up a significant amount of ice.
The calculations were made in response to Phoenix' claim that one day's WAA had melted 200km3 of ice, hence the last line. Which by the way is off from my previous calculations by a factor of 1000!
So for the air:
Specific heat is the amount of energy released when temperature goes down by 1 degree C (actually defined the other way around, the amount of energy needed to heat by 1 degree C).
As has been pointed out, humidity does not alter the result in any significant way. Air at 15 C and 100% humidity is only 1% water (or 10 g/kg), so if the air had been at 100% humidity (which is a wild overestimate), the final number would still go up by only 1%.
So finally for the air mass on that fateful day, the 10th of June 2019. I am assuming a temperature of 15 degrees, and the thicness of the layer of air able to conduct energy to the surface at a generous 5 meters. Wind speed is around 15km/hour as the air leaves the coast according to Nullschool.
So here I have the second major mistake found in my earlier calculations when I assumed 3600 km3 of air, while the actual number is 36.
I end with exactly the same percentage as in
this post which was calculated in a different way, which increases my confidence in the result being correct.
Secondly, Nullschool shows very little precipitable water in the air coming from Siberia at the time.
Thirdly, even if water vapor has two times the heat capacity of air, the total amount of water wapor that air can hold is very low, and at arctic temperatures, it is well below 1%. Even at tropical temperature levels, 100% humidity translates into about 4% water by weight of the air column.
Specific heat of vaporization is 2.3 MJ/kg. Given this, water vapor can transfer more energy than dry air.
I have never disputed that water vapour can carry more than double the amount of energy as dry air. But the point that I seem to be making all the time is that even at the maximum possible humidity of 100%, only 1% of the airmass is water vapour. So it effectively makes no difference.
So was this a dry or a humid event? We have both referenced Nullschool showing "Total Precipitable Water". How that relates to humidity I have no idea. Given that the Worldview images of EES and Laptev was clear as can be on that day (the 10th of June 2019), I doubt that there was much if any condensed water in the air, so the appellation "moist" seems most misguided.
Nullschool puts most of the wind coming in over EES at 10-14 kg/m2 total precipitable water, but over the Laptev up to 20 kg/m2. As I have no idea what means in the real world, I compared with some dry places on the planet, and found that the Sahara desert fitted the bill pretty well, ranging from 5 to 18 kg/m2. So I would tend to assume that this was an extremely dry event, dry as a desert.
Radiative transfer is most likely negligible in this scenario
It sounds like solar radiation is negligible for the ice. Seriously, both have similar power but visible light is mostly reflected and longwave infrared is mostly absorbed. Back radiation strongly (T4) depends on air temperature.
Well, I certainly did not mean to say that solar radiation was negligible.
But I did intend to say that a warm airmass will release its heat by conduction primarily, with radiative heat loss being very small and in effect negligible. This is however outside my knowledge of physics, so I am not able to give any calculations.
Having said that, I am pretty sure that radiative thermal transfer of air only starts to become significant in comparison to conduction at much higher temperatures than are found in the atmosphere.