Another day, another anomaly.
I used to post Bremen graphs periodically but recently stopped due to this anomaly.
Bremen amsr2 often disagrees with jaxa and nsidc, because of its higher res, however the departure is now substantial, especially in terms of trends. While extent in low res has kept apace, and area was seeming to pick during the latest gerontocrat update, in high res they have both brutally slowed down.
This seems highly unusual especially with the Beaufort wrecking, and might be a result of cloudiness, either an underestimate during the gaac or an overestimate now, with the sensors recalibrated during the gaac. given how sensible it is to clouds I consider amsr2 more suspect but given the difference and divergence, either 1st or 3rd and already seeming to wrap up the season, it needs to be resolved beyond assumptions.