First, notice the word “protest” is not even in the constitution.
Well, there is the First Amendment. Protest is speech. So this is bogus from the beginning.
The more orderly sounding and peaceful word used is “petition,”
Nope, that's another thing. It's also speech, but another form.
and the only manner in which petitioning your government is protected in the US constitution is clearly stated as “peaceably.”
If the author wants peaceably protests, he can have it. 99% of protesters are peaceful and are punished for that with tear gas, lethal and less-lethal weapons, they are getting disappeared by GeStaPo troops, and police brutality (the very thing they protest).
If you are petitioning your government in any way that is not peaceable, you are not protected constitutionally, nor is your behavior advocated.
That translates to "human rights are only for the ones who keep quiet". That's fascistic. That's Naziism.
There is nothing in the constitution saying people can disturb the peace.
Would be nice if the police were doing that BTW.
There is nothing saying they can block streets.
The constitution also does not state that you are allowed to breathe. Does that mean you are not allowed to breathe? WOW, this article is something. Defying logic and reason on a whole new level.
There is nothing saying they can laser police officers in the eyeballs
Of course, it does. You are not allowed to cause bodily harm. If someone does that there will be a judge ruling over them. The government has every right to punish the people who do that.
But again, this does not invalidate the 99% of peaceful protesters.
This is all lawlessness, and the constitution expresses no protection for it whatsoever.
Again, conflating things in a malicious way. This author is a fascist. The US is supposed to be a democracy though.
Tom, how come you are posting stuff like this? What do you think you are achieving? Are you aware you are carrying the water for the ideology the US fought in the second world war and that you are pissing on the graves of everyone who lost his life to fascism?
May i ask, did your grandfather fight against the Nazis?