I can't answer yes or no, because there are too many grey areas in the definitions of these things.
What I vote 'yes' on is in confidence in our moderators to judge when a poster or discussion has gotten so far out of touch with reality and become so distracting that it needs to be shut down or redirected. Any particular judgment is going to seem to harsh to other and too lax to some, and the whole thing will inevitably continue to be a bit of a messy learning process. But we have a smart and principled crew, it seems to me, that can figure it out, with occasional input from the rest of the rabble, as here.
I do think some here seem to underestimate how quickly a forum can become overrun by trolls and bots of various stripes if too laissez faire of a policy is instituted. There is no limit on how many stupid ideas there are out there or that can be invented (and re-invented, and re-invented...). And spending time shooting down each and every one of them would be tiresome, pointless, exhausting, and irritating, not to mention taking away from the much more important work to be done here.
But sometimes one doesn't know if something is completely stupid till you've kicked it around for a while, and in the process, many of us sometimes learn something.
So I would not be for any hard and fast rule, either letting it all through or utterly banning all of it (if that were even possible).
I do think that, as has happened recently, when a poster gets 'information' from clearly disreputable sources (Heartland Institute thugs, etc...), and continues to tout said bad info even when warned about it, they should at least be put on some kind of suspension and then let back on probationary status, perhaps.
In general, though, I trust our current crew to navigate the rapids and shoals in the wild river of deliberate and accidental mis-information we are all constantly adrift in.
That's why they get paid the Big Bucks, right???