8 August Data
Precipitation Very much above average, entirely in the South, intense on the SE coast, where there was rain on the coastal area.
Melt Down a bit from 28.4% to 27.7%, not much above average for this day of the year.
SMB increased by 1.4 GT, 1st increase since July 14, and very much above what is an average daily SMB loss at this time of year.
Outlook - The GFS forecast now indicates that the Greenland High is likely to to be stable from now on, but weak enough to allow weather systems to gradually penetrate inland mostly from the South and West.
Precipitation. Stronger signs of weather arriving from the South and especially the West, being a mixture of rain on coasts and snow on higher ground.
GFS predicts an extreme rain event for the entire western half of Greenland next Saturday the 14th Aug. (see next post for images)
Melt looks about the same for today (Monday). GFS forecasts enough warmth to increase melt from about next Tuesday to Thursday. After that temperatures look enough to mean high melt on Friday and an extreme melt event for Saturday and Sunday - i.e. one for the record books. See next post for images
SMB Increasing precipitation may exceed somewhat reduced melt today (Monday). After that - totally unsure. High melt and above average precipitation?
Average daily SMB losses are quickly in decline from now on. My guess remains that the season will end with above average SMB gain for the year.
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