Digging into some several southern hemisphere glacial deposits, these scholars are among the troupe trying to reorganize the magnitudes and potential reasons of onsets and offsets of ice ages and at the same time question the famed Milankovitch cycles theory (a hypothesis, that was great when it was first done, but do the numbers add up, questions are rising) :
http://phys.org/news/2015-03-global-ice-ages.htmlAs phys.org is again full of links pointing to the original article
I had to find it by using google, and get hit by the paywall.
http://geology.gsapubs.org/content/early/2015/03/19/G36477.1for me, preferred story is still orbital, namely eccentricity, but so the happenstances in the SH matter more. Is this again a question of fallibility of human perception, 'if something as large as ice age happens, the reason and the evidence must be near humans'?? Anyway. One more to the pile of articles questioning quite hard the traditional explanation, we might be witnessing a coup in the glaciology department, to put it lively.