Follow the money.
Interesting how you say follow the money.
The answer to that question is the USA makes the most money from this shit storm.
If, for a moment, you stand back to take the Russian perspective, I wonder if you would adapt your thinking somewhat?
The US makes a lot of money from this, is far away from the fighting, and allows US influence to spread via political pressure. They gain the benefits with few negatives.
Russia is a homeland that has repeatedly been invaded by Western powers throughout history. This fight they are in is about their existence. I agree there is more to it than that because Putin isn't some angel, but for the most part, Russia doesn't like being invaded.
The US is a proven aggressive empire who dislikes Russia and has actively worked toward undermining Russia for many decades and worked very hard to stop any economic benefits like open trade between Europe and Russia.
I don't defend the Russian attack on Ukraine, but it makes sense in many ways. Given how the US behaves on the international stage, I wouldn't trust them either. The US routinely removes people from leadership positions if those leaders don't jump to the US drum (Australia is a victim of leadership change once and there is enough evidence to suggest it happened a second time last decade)
This isn't about who is worst or best.... this is about Russia being ignored and undermined for decades and Russia is sick of it. SIck of the promises being broken, of agreements being ignored, of interference in economic matters that have little to do with the US directly.
The US only understands military strength.
When all avenues of diplomacy are exhausted, the only answer is war. We can all agree that the situation in Ukraine is a mess that needs to stop, but it cant stop unless the US agrees to use diplomatic means and stick to the agreements that are made.
The answer to the problem is for the US and Russia to have a serious talk and to understand that there are new borders that need to be drawn up. The longer it takes to understand that reality, the sooner the killing can stop. You don't have to like the idea of new borders, but which is worse?
New borders of multiple thousands of more dead people to bury?
Russia has won the war.
Russia doesn't need to hurry because the war is won, it is helping other nations to see the US is beatable and emboldens countries to stand up to the international bully.
I may not know much, I may misunderstand some things, but I am as sure as fuck on this thing.... bullies are scared and lash out when challenged and run away quickly when the fight gets too much for them.
The US is close to lashing out... do we really want that to happen?
And should the US lash out, the fight will hurt them much more than they are prepared to handle and they will run away.
From that point on, the US empire is essentially ended and new powers swoop in and make the rules.
That all sounds far to chaotic to be a smooth process with unknow ends.
The answer is simple.
The US needs to start using diplomacy and mean what they say. Reduce their military by half. And start working to ward a world with several strong nations that, regardless of culture and political approach, can work together to resolve more important problems like global warming and the every existence of this rather fragile, baby, global civilisation.