Some background data
I attach the September Monthly average graph based on average volume loss from now. That produces a September monthly average of 4,785 km3. This is 742 km3 above the long-term linear trend value of 4,043 km3.
It's all because of the April maximum being 550 km3 above trend followed by a slow volume loss so far. Remember, this a poll about what the PIOMAS system will say, so arguments about whether PIOMAS overestimates volume range between irrelevant and misleading.
At the minimum, it is the High Arctic volume that matters. As of May 31 High Arctic volume is greater than the 2010's average, while Peripheral seas volume is below the 2010's average.
The Central Arctic Basin, that will hold most of the remaining volume, has at May 31 below 2010's average volume, to my surprise.
I hope this will leave you as confused as I am on making my vote..