The lower Kane Basin below 80 N line stopped moving on Dec 9th.
Above 80 N leading from the Kennedy Strait there is a little movement on the 10th and further up on the 11th.
We typically wait about 3 or 4 days to see if it holds, before calling it in. But it's looking good.
It's good for (what little remains of ) the multi year ice to have an early closure of the Nares Strait and we try and retain as much as we can of the old ice.
Typically I think export through the Nares is about 10% of that what goes down the Fram. Although I imagine that old stat was probably compiled in the days when the Nares Strait used to block up every year.
Since 2009 we have had quite a few years when the arch did not hold for long and export continued all through the year !