Zachariae does have a substantial flux, what makes you think much of Storstrommen is afloat?
I have discussed this question with some people here i Copenhagen,since there is very little data on both Storstrømmen and L. Ibstrup, but there is no evidence of Storstrømmen not being a floating glacier, and some think like me, it is at least floating north of Bræ Øerne.
Another evidence of a floating glacier is the crack across the glacier from Randsøen to Borgfjorden?
And to the head line of Mauris article
"Storstrømmen Susceptible to Rapid Retreat" I completely agree, I think the whole area from 79 in the north to L. Ibstrup in the south is worth spending some time investigating over next few seasons. And with the fast ice almost gone this season things might speed up?