I made this over the last few weeks and to be honest i find the prediction accuracy remarkable.
It uses the MASIE regional extent data to predict the Sept minima for that year, only letting the model train on the Jan and Feb data for that year, on a sea-basis. I had a feeling the regional data was far more powerful for predictions than total data as it describes what will melt quickly where for each year. It is accurate back to 2006 to within 2%. Its so accurate that I actually dont believe it.
Is there anyone out there who can check this for errors/mistakes? Is there anyone who can convince me that this is actually reliable? Can anyone recommend a cross validation test for this kind of continuous data?
FIRST image is the prediction if the model is given all Arctic seas
SECOND is if the model is given 5 Arctic seas
THIRD is if the model is given 10 Arctic seas
Accuracy does appear to scale with how many seas it is given to train on as features