JAXA ARCTIC SEA ICE EXTENT: 7,625,117 KM2 as at 20-Jul-2022
- Extent loss on this day 63k, 26 k less than the average loss on this day (of the last 10 years) of 89k,
- Extent loss from maximum on this date is 6,769 k, which is 263 k, 3.7% less than the 10 year average of 7,032 k.
- Extent is at position #13 in the 44 year satellite record
- Extent is 609 k MORE than 2021,
- Extent is 1,291 k MORE than 2020,
- Extent is 649 k MORE than 2019,
- Extent is 396 k MORE than 2016
- Extent is 468 k MORE than 2012
- Extent is 306 k MORE than the 2010's Average
On average 70.2% of extent losses from maximum to minimum done, and on average 56 days to minimum
Projections. (Table JAXA-Arc1)
Average remaining extent loss (of the last 10 years) would produce a minimum in September 2022 of 4.65 million km2, 1.47 million km2 above the Sept 2012 record low minimum of 3.18 million km2, and 13th lowest in the satellite record
After 4 days of sea ice extent loss modestly above the 10 year average, back to a below average loss....
N.B. Click on images to enlarge