it's all about the first meter of sea level rise.
Right. Academic research is tilted today towards Antarctica but Greenland may be actually provide that first-meter risk.
That's because the old narrative of a gently sloping ice sheet frozen to bedrock slowly slouching towards the sea has been replaced with warmer higher ice (basal deformations) not even contacting bedrock (~50 m of intervening hydrated deformable till), not to mention unforseen issues with warm ocean currents, rain-on-snow and moulin meltwater drawing down the calving front.
I'm resurrecting this old forum because it's aptly titled despite its disproportionately meagre coverage of what NEEM receives in the scientific literature: 'NEEM ice core Greenland' has 1230 matches at Google Scholar, of which 186 are for 2015 and 8 already in January 2016. Not 1% of these articles has been discussed at all our forums combined.
Deep ice cores are far and few between so every conceivable analytic technique is applied to them. The goals in studying this 110,000 years of climate archive are quite varied, ranging from atmospheric gas composition (especially methane), to prevailing temperature (from isotopes), snowfall, global volcanic activity, aridity of dust sources, frequency of boreal fire, behavior of ice fabric under slow strain, solar excursions (from Be
10 and Cl
35), stratigraphy coregistered with global (Antarctic, speleotherm, marine sediment layers, tree rings, pollen) records, all at near-annual resolution.
No working scientist believes the Eemian per se can serve as a template for what will happen in the late Holocene given such-and-such a CO
2 level, though that's
wrongly argued from daisy world modeling. The Eemian didn't just come and go, it left its mark on the deeper ice of Greenland whose effects continue, even dominate, basal ice today.
There is more than ice in the NEEM core if you look hard enough. The impurities are a very informative part of the record and need to be understood first because they provide the isochronal reflections that record the evolutionary history of the Greenland Ice Sheet (and so by implication set the ice's internal physcial parameters compatible with that history).
It's fair to ask whether the properties of ice pulled from great depth/pressure are retained during transport, cold storage and sample processing. For example, CFA (continuous flow analysis) melts the ice on a hot block and so could measure total Na
+ and total Cl
- but not determine NaCl because some might be Na
4 or MgCl
Similarly, as salts dissolve rapidly in meltwater, CFA cannot distinguish wet-deposited individual salt molecules intercalated into ice crystals (or their grain boundaries) from sea salt deposited as mineral particles. In the article below, the authors use a sublimation chamber (ice to vapor) to get rid of NEEM water, then catch the macroscopic particles -- whether they were inherently soluble or not -- on a filter.
They characterized some 32,000 captured particles from representative historic periods and analyzed them with micro-Raman and SEM-EDS X-ray spectroscopy. The former works because calcium carbonate CaCO
3 peaks at 1086 cm
−1 because of a symmetric C–O stretching mode which distinguishes it from dolomite CaMg(CO
2 at 1095 cm
−1 and nitrocalcite Ca(NO
2 x 4H
2O at 1051 cm
−1 (N–O vibrational mode) and gypsum (CaSO
2O) at 1008 cm
−1 (S–O stretching mode).
Unsurprisingly, kaolinite (clay) and quarz silicates comprise the dominant insoluble components.
The authors look at ice representative of four periods in the history of the Greenland ice sheet. I am especially interested in these because the Bølling-Allerød produces the a prominent dark band in ice penetrating radargrams that is preceded by the non-reflective zone of Younger Dryas and the many distinct recent reflectors. (The article does not discuss whether the particles are themselves the reflectors or merely co-located with whatever dielectric contrast is causing it.)
Holocene 11,700 - 600 (warmest period 9,000 -5,000) more Na than Ca
Younger Dryas 12,600 – 12,000 (cold) more Ca salts than Na
Bølling-Allerød 14,600 - 12,900 (warm and moist interstadial) similar Na and Ca
Last Glacial Maximum 26,900 - 15,000 (cold) more Ca salts than Na in cloudy vs clear bands
In air masses reaching Greenland, primary land and sea aerosols need to be distinguished from secondary gas-to-particle conversion and chemical reactions (notably with sulfuric acid) in the atmosphere. During transport, both can undergo physical and chemical processes that change particle size, structure and composition.
In the Arctic, the natural soluble aerosols originate from the primary emission of sea salt (NaCl and MgCl2) and terrestrial materials (CaSO4 and CaCO3). Biomass burning plumes also represent a significant source of aerosol (KNO3, K2SO4, and KCl).
Soluble aerosols include NH3 emitted by bacterial decomposition in soils and biomass burning, sulfur from dimethyl sulfide (DMS)) emitted by marine biological activity and volcanoes (SO2), and nitrogen oxides emitted from soil by microorganisms and biomass burning or produced within the troposphere (lightning) and stratosphere (N2O oxidation). Secondary aerosol contains salts such as NH4NO3, NH4HSO4, and (NH4)2SO4.
Ca++, a terrestrial proxy, decreases from cold to warm periods up to a factor of 80 between the LGM and the Holocene in the GRIP and GISP2 ice cores. The Na+ concentration, a proxy of sea salt, varies less than Ca++ but is still much more concentrated in cold periods than in warm periods. The NH4+ concentration, originating mainly from continental biogenic emissions, starts to increase around the Bølling-Allerød period.
Note that NH4+ is a major cation together with H+ on a molar basis. The SO4-- concentrations are higher in cold periods than in warm periods. Whereas noneruptive volcanic emissions and marine biogenic emissions are the main sulfate sources during the Holocene, the large imbalance observed between cations and anions in LGM Greenland ice suggests that the strong increase of sulfate in glacial ice reflects increased terrestrial inputs (direct emissions of gypsum and CaCO3 neutralized in the atmosphere by H2SO4).
Chemical compositions of solid particles present in the Greenland NEEM ice core over the last 110,000 years
I Oyabu et al
27 Sep 2015 DOI: 10.1002/2015JD023290