Latest Five Day Forecast + Last 48hWind @ Surface
Large GiF!I haven't done just the wind for a while, but did it now to show more clearly what's going on on the Atlantic side in the coming days. And more specifically in the Kara sea - which is the problem child so far this season. If you look at the gorgeous AMSR2 animation Oren will be posting every week now, you can see a lot of ice exiting the Kara sea, and it doesn't seem to get any better in the coming days. So I'm expecting a very early ice free Kara this year.
Most of that ice is getting blown into the Barents sea, together with a lot of ice from the CAB.
The question I'm struggling with is if all that ice from CAB going there is a good thing, or a bad thing. On one hand you have the big extent in the Barents sea, that's still getting cooled down by cold wind coming from the north. So I presume it'll take some time to melt all that ice there, which is good, because it keeps the ocean covered so the sun can't heat up the water there.
On the other hand you have ice exiting the basin, into warmer Atlantic water, that'll eventually still melt all that ice rather quickly, which leaves the basin with less ice.
Last year the opposite happened, southerlies blew all the ice into the basin, which made me help to come to the conclusion that we would have a high minimum. Right now I'm starting to think that a lot of ice has exited the basin, which will give us less ice to melt.
But that conflicts with the huge extent and the thick ice that was created during winter. So Basically I have no idea what's gonna happen this year...
Two things are for sure; the Kara sea is gonna have early open water, and 4.25 as the minimum has been in my head for a long time now... Let's see how close I get this year...
Added 30 day HYCOM