Slow day both extent and area, yet the lead with 2012 remains, gets a bit bigger even.
Update 20160618.
Extent: -34.0 (-492k vs 2015, -642k vs 2014, -985k vs 2013, -152k vs 2012)
Area: -21.0 (-420k vs 2015, -511k vs 2014, -632k vs 2013, -94k vs 2012)
You will find the updated graphs in the
top postThe only region where extent drooped significantly is Greenland Sea (-25k).
The area measures are more in a flux, declines in Hudson, Greenland Sea and CAB (-28k, -28k and -19k). The Laptev and ESS increased in area (+39k and +13k).
Since NSIDC and Jaxa data are missing, I attach the whole delta map. Notice the concentration drop over the Lincoln Sea and the (apparent) cold on the Asian side.
(no surface melting reported today, the ADS server seems to be in maintenance)