Updates of 2012 AMSR2 data seem to have been completed. We have complete data from the first of August to 30th September. Thanks for that.
Update 20160823.
Extent: -81.4 (-123k vs 2015, -733k vs 2014, -706k vs 2013, +784k vs 2012)
Area: -8.3 (-296k vs 2015, -976k vs 2014, -946k vs 2013, +484k vs 2012)
You will find the updated graphs in the
top postRegional extent declined in the CAB (-32k) and Laptev (-19k).
Regional area increased in the CAB : +53k. Area declined in Laptev (-26), Chukchi (-18k) and ESS (-16k).
The attached delta map is of the Beaufort-Chukchi-ESS corner. Lots of reds and blues confirm there is a lot of ice moving around. The detachment of the Wrangek ice progresses further.