Wow! Pretty clear there is still a huge section of glacier that will be pulling away this year. It has already calved. It just hasn't drifted up the fjord. You said this glacier has been historically stable. Is it unusual for a glacier to rapidly change dynamics like this? What sort of conditioning was occurring over the past decade that would allow a switch to go on like this?
The immediate changes I can see in the area, the firns (ice caps) around the glacier are getting smaller so it must be warmer at the location since 1999 (the earliest I can get documentation), whether that is the reason, I cant say?
I expect the S-2-2014 main will be parked at the narrow Kap Hunt gate, as happened to S-1-2012 that was only released earlier this week, from almost a 2 years arrest.
New studies shows we are actually back where the glaciers sub lobes were in 1947, and since then the glacier obviously changed character and advanced, from a sub lobe front to a more uniform front, making "normal" calvings (large iceberg) possible.
See map below by Frank Ahnert.