Happy New Year 2024 (and sorry for the forum being offline some hours) /DM
Total Members Voted: 39
Voting closed: July 24, 2023, 03:44:46 PM
Do we have historical data as to if/when each route has historically opened?
Checking my own records2020 - August 11th2019 - August 16th2018 - Never? However Thor escaped ice in Franklin Strait on August 28th2017 - August 27th2016 - August 11th2015 - ~August 13thI seem to recall that in 2012 the passage opened very early.
Interestingly, the exit region near Cornwallis island is still pristine.
P.S. - am I the only one who's gotten no Worldview imaging since 7/20? I can't find any announcements about interruptions.
Posted 21 July 2023There is an issue with the delivery of the near real-time Terra/MODIS, Aqua/MODIS and Suomi-NPP/VIIRS Corrected Reflectance imagery and other NRT imagery from those sensors. We apologize for the inconvenience.
I am plumping for Route 1 to be open this year in the first week of September, although not the first route to be clear. The only realistically good route for commercial shipping (i.e. not tourism)?
It’s a very tight squeeze, and a puff of breeze might change the situation by tomorrow, but according to our habitual <= 6/10 concentration criterion I hereby declare route 6 through the Northwest Passage “open”!
Parry channel = open?
Worldview seems to show that one might almost be able to sneak past the ice by staying in the northernmost part of the M'Clure Strait, but it would probably be quite exciting.
We need advice on this from Jim.