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Author Topic: ENSO general science  (Read 5502 times)


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ENSO general science
« on: August 04, 2023, 06:05:44 PM »
We need a thread to discuss future trends in the ENSO cycle

e,g, this new paper,,,
Increased occurrences of consecutive La Niña events under global warming

Most El Niño events occur sporadically and peak in a single winter1,2,3, whereas La Niña tends to develop after an El Niño and last for two years or longer4,5,6,7. Relative to single-year La Niña, consecutive La Niña features meridionally broader easterly winds and hence a slower heat recharge of the equatorial Pacific6,7, enabling the cold anomalies to persist, exerting prolonged impacts on global climate, ecosystems and agriculture8,9,10,11,12,13.

Future changes to multi-year-long La Niña events remain unknown. Here, using climate models under future greenhouse-gas forcings14, we find an increased frequency of consecutive La Niña ranging from 19 ± 11% in a low-emission scenario to 33 ± 13% in a high-emission scenario, supported by an inter-model consensus stronger in higher-emission scenarios. Under greenhouse warming, a mean-state warming maximum in the subtropical northeastern Pacific enhances the regional thermodynamic response to perturbations, generating anomalous easterlies that are further northward than in the twentieth century in response to El Niño warm anomalies. The sensitivity of the northward-broadened anomaly pattern is further increased by a warming maximum in the equatorial eastern Pacific. The slower heat recharge associated with the northward-broadened easterly anomalies facilitates the cold anomalies of the first-year La Niña to persist into a second-year La Niña. Thus, climate extremes as seen during historical consecutive La Niña episodes probably occur more frequently in the twenty-first century.

Observed features and model selection

a, Skewness of historical (1900–1999) Niño3.4 SST anomaly in observation (black bar) and CMIP6 models (coloured bars). The vertical line separates selected models with positive skewness (orange bars) from non-selected models with negative skewness (blue bars). The error bar denotes 1.0 s.d. of the inter-model spread in the selected (non-selected) MME.

b, Temporal evolution of Niño3.4 SST anomaly composited for multi-year (red) and single-year (blue) La Niña events in the selected models over 1900–1999. Solid lines and shading indicate multi-model mean and 1.0 s.d. of a total of 10,000 inter-realizations based on a bootstrap method, respectively. Dashed lines indicate observations. The time series are smoothed with a three-month running-mean filter before analysis. The vertical grey shading denotes the time (October to February) when ENSO typically matures.

c,d, Multi-model mean composite map of anomalous SST (°C; colouring) and surface wind stress (N m−2; vectors) for single-year (c) and multi-year (d) La Niña events during D(1)JF(2) in 1900–1999. Shown are values at which the ensemble mean exceeds 1.0 s.d. of the inter-model spread using a bootstrap method. Selected models simulate reasonably the observed evolution and pattern of multi-year La Niña.

Fig. 2: Projected increase in frequency of multi-year La Niña events.

a, Comparison of multi-year La Niña numbers (events per 100 years) over 1900–1999 (blue bars) and 2000–2099 (red bars) in the selected models under SSP585 (left of the vertical line). Multi-model mean results from other emission scenarios are also provided for the selected ensembles. Models that simulate a decrease are greyed out. Shown in the last four columns are the MME results of non-selected models under SSP585 and of selected models under low-emission scenarios. Note that not exactly the same set of models is used under different scenarios owing to data unavailability. The horizontal dashed line indicates observation.

b, Evolution of multi-year La Niña occurrence (events per 100 years) diagnosed in a 60-year sliding window that moves separately in the past 500 years of piControl (black) and from 1850 (the start of historical run; blue) to the end of the twenty-first century under SSP585 (red). Years on the x axis denote the end year of the sliding window. Solid lines and shading indicate multi-model mean and 95% confidence intervals based on a Poisson distribution, respectively. The dashed black line indicates the mean level of piControl.

c, As in a but for proportions (as a percentage) of multi-year La Niña occurrences in different situations under SSP585 (see letters on the x axis and corresponding descriptions at the bottom). Error bars on the multi-model mean in a and c are calculated as 1.0 s.d. of 10,000 inter-realizations of a bootstrap method. Disproportionally more frequent multi-year La Niña events occur after a strong El Niño during the 2000–2099 period than during the 1900–1999 period.

Summary and discussion
Our finding of an increase in the occurrence of consecutive La Niña events under greenhouse warming is underpinned by northward-broadened easterly anomalies in the subtropical North Pacific in response to equatorial eastern Pacific warm anomalies. The northward broadening and its increased occurrences are—in turn—a consequence of a faster mean-state warming in the subtropical northeastern Pacific that induces a further northern and more sensitive response to El Niño convective anomalies, which are—per se—intensified by a faster warming in the equatorial eastern Pacific. The consequence of the northward-broadened easterlies is a slower heat recharge of the equatorial Pacific, leaving a colder upper-ocean condition after the first-year La Niña to persist into the second year. Our discovery of a two-way interaction between the tropics and subtropics that intensifies under greenhouse warming represents an advance beyond recent findings of a one-way warming-induced enhancement of the NPMM influence on ENSO50,51. Our result of a probable future increase in multi-year La Niña frequency strengthens calls for an urgent need to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions to alleviate the adverse impacts.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2023, 06:13:17 PM by gerontocrat »
"I wasn't expecting that quite so soon" kiwichick16
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ENSO general science
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2023, 06:28:11 PM »
We could do with an ENSO general science thread. For looking at the future and also patterns from the past or whatever science will come up with.

Discussions of the current 2023 season go here:,3910.0.html
« Last Edit: August 04, 2023, 06:33:56 PM by kassy »
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2023, 07:30:01 PM »
This paper from 2019 posits that the climate models have got very wrong the influence of rising GHG gases on the tropical Pacific Ocean. Paywalled of course.

I wonder if since then the models have been changed. My italics in the extract below
Strengthening tropical Pacific zonal sea surface temperature gradient consistent with rising greenhouse gases
As exemplified by El Niño, the tropical Pacific Ocean strongly influences regional climates and their variability worldwide1,2,3. It also regulates the rate of global temperature rise in response to rising GHGs4. The tropical Pacific Ocean response to rising GHGs impacts all of the world’s population.

State-of-the-art climate models predict that rising GHGs reduce the west-to-east warm-to-cool sea surface temperature gradient across the equatorial Pacific5. In nature, however, the gradient has strengthened in recent decades as GHG concentrations have risen sharply5. This stark discrepancy between models and observations has troubled the climate research community for two decades.

Here, by returning to the fundamental dynamics and thermodynamics of the tropical ocean–atmosphere system, and avoiding sources of model bias, we show that a parsimonious formulation of tropical Pacific dynamics yields a response that is consistent with observations and attributable to rising GHGs. We use the same dynamics to show that the erroneous warming in state-of-the-art models is a consequence of the cold bias of their equatorial cold tongues. The failure of state-of-the-art models to capture the correct response introduces critical error into their projections of climate change in the many regions sensitive to tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures.
"I wasn't expecting that quite so soon" kiwichick16
"Para a Causa do Povo a Luta Continua!"
"And that's all I'm going to say about that". Forrest Gump
"Damn, I wanted to see what happened next" (Epitaph)


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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2023, 04:57:36 PM »
Extreme El Niño Weather Saw South America's Forest Carbon Sink Switch Off

Tropical forests in South America lose their ability to absorb carbon from the atmosphere when conditions become exceptionally hot and dry, according to new research.

... Research led by Dr. Amy Bennett, a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds, found that in 2015–2016, when an El Niño climate event resulted in drought and the hottest temperatures ever recorded, South American forests were unable to function as a carbon sink.

"Investigating what happened in the Amazon during this huge El Niño event gave us a window into the future by showing how unprecedented hot and dry weather impacts forests."

The researchers reported their findings in the journal Nature Climate Change. The study united the RAINFOR and PPBio research networks, with more than 100 scientists measuring forests for decades across 123 experimental plots.

The plots span Amazon and Atlantic forests as well as drier forests in tropical South America.

These direct, tree-by-tree records showed that most forests had acted as a carbon sink for most of the last 30 years, with tree growth exceeding mortality. When the 2015–2016 El Niño hit, the sink shut down. This was because tree death increased with the heat and drought.

"Here in the southeastern Amazon on the edge of the rainforest, the trees may have now switched from storing carbon to emitting it. While tree growth rates resisted the higher temperatures, tree mortality jumped when this climate extreme hit."

... Of the 123 plots studied, 119 of them experienced an average monthly temperature increase of 0.5° Celsius and 99 of the plots suffered water deficits. Where it was hotter, it was also drier.

Prior to El Niño, the researchers calculated that the plots were storing and sequestering around one third of a metric ton of carbon per hectare per year. This declined to zero with the hotter and drier El Niño conditions.

The change was due to biomass being lost through the death of trees. ... those forests more used to a drier climate at the dry periphery of the tropical forest biome turned out to be most vulnerable to drought.

This suggested some trees were already operating at the limits of tolerable conditions.

Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly, Nature Climate Change (2023)

mpact of the 2015–2016 El Niño on the carbon dynamics of South American tropical forests, Nature Climate Change (2023)
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« Last Edit: September 16, 2023, 03:25:22 PM by kassy »


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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2023, 03:05:08 AM »
Kicking in at NZ

Meh... if you are worried about NZ, you should move to Oz lol
(I lived in Auckland in '97/'98 and the drought at that time was really bad. We almost ran out of water that summer, within weeks if memory serves and got a lucky break in a freak storm. The rain dancers took credit for that.)
« Last Edit: September 16, 2023, 03:25:44 PM by kassy »


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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2023, 02:14:50 AM »
@  rodius   ...each countries systems are set up for their own normal ...... of course we are all heading towards abnormal


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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2023, 02:24:20 PM »
What Do We Know About El Niño? Maybe Less Than We Thought


Unfortunately, our knowledge of this weather pattern has always been spotty at best: we can’t predict it very far in advance, because it doesn’t follow a set schedule; we don’t know exactly what causes it; and every time it happens, it’s different from before. In short, the entire planet is kind of at the mercy of this “little boy.”

But wait! It gets worse – because according to a couple of papers from researchers out of Innsbruck, Austria, this year, we may actually know even less than we thought.

What is El Niño?
You’ve likely heard of El Niño before, but understanding the interactions that underlie it – and, therefore, how our knowledge has changed thanks to these new studies – is a little more complex.

For one thing, it’s only half of the picture, meteorologically speaking. “El Niño and La Niña are two phases of the naturally occurring climate phenomenon called the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO),” explains Imperial College London’s Grantham Institute.

“[The ENSO] leads to the most dramatic year-to-year variation of Earth’s climate,” it continues. “El Niño is characterised by warmer global temperatures, while La Niña years are typically cooler.”

When and why either of these weather patterns occur is kind of a mystery, even today. We know El Niño is more frequent than La Niña, generally speaking, and both tend to last for nine to 12 months on average – but neither event happens on a regular schedule. The best we can say is that they turn up every two to seven years or so.

“During normal conditions in the Pacific Ocean, trade winds blow west along the equator, taking warm water from South America towards Asia,” explains the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) factsheet on the phenomenon. “To replace that warm water, cold water rises from the depths – a process called upwelling.”

But “El Niño and La Niña are two opposing climate patterns that break these normal conditions,” the agency continues. During El Niño, the Pacific winds weaken, reducing that upwelling of cold water in the East and pushing warmer tides towards the west coast of the Americas; sea surface temperatures can rise by up to 4°C (7°F) across the Pacific, and atmospheric circulation patterns can be affected on a global scale.

“El Niño causes many changes in weather patterns across the globe,” said Auroop Ganguly, co-director of Northeastern's Global Resilience Institute, in a statement this October.

“It has been called the ‘seesaw’ effect,” he added: the phenomenon often brings more frequent and intense storms over the west coasts of North and South America, while causing droughts in Africa and South Asia.

What drives El Niño?
We may not know precisely what sets off an El Niño event, but scientists have had suspicions for a while as to what may govern the patterns of these boisterous weather phenomena. One of those ideas – the so-called “bipolar seesaw mechanism” – is pretty well-accepted; the other – a link with the sun’s magnetic cycle – is less so. Guess which one the new research supports?

“Our findings… [challenge] the bipolar seesaw hypothesis,” notes one of the new papers, published in The Innovation Geoscience. “While the bipolar seesaw hypothesis is well-supported for the Atlantic sector, its relevance for worldwide millennial-scale climate change remains uncertain.”

The question that the hypothesis is aimed at answering is the cause of climate change on the millennium scale – something that has been “a long-standing challenge in paleoclimate science,” the researchers note. Put as simply as possible, it suggests that it’s changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC – a large system of ocean currents that carry warm water from the tropics into the North Atlantic – which govern climatic shifts in the Southern hemisphere.

“This concept postulates that an AMOC collapse would block northward heat flow, with heat left to accumulate in the Southern Hemisphere,” explain the researchers. “As AMOC stabilizes, northward flow would resume, causing cooling in the Southern Hemisphere.”

But if the hypothesis is correct, the team write, then we should expect climate records from the Pacific to line up with those from the Atlantic. And it turns out, they’re not.

How do they know? Luckily, we have a very good record of the climate history of the Atlantic, in the form of Greenland ice cores. They’re “one of the best tools to reconstruct the climate prior to the instrumental era,” according to Liz Thomas, head of the ice cores team at British Antarctic Survey, providing information on everything from the particular makeup of the atmosphere throughout the millennia to evidence of massive ancient solar storms.

But finding a record of the same history in the Pacific has proven a little more tricky – which is why, instead of ice, the researchers looked to cave deposits known as speleothems for their information.

“We report an independently dated high-latitude speleothem proxy record from Alaska, which provides valuable insights into the North Pacific climate,” the paper reports. “Our findings reveal that this speleothem record is not in-sync with the Greenland ice-core record… [but] aligns with the tropical Pacific [record].”

So, if it’s not a planetary playground apparatus that’s to blame for the millennia of ENSO cycles, then what is it?

The Walker switch
It’s here that we find the Austrian team’s first big result: the existence of what they’ve termed the “Walker switch.”

Named for the Walker circulation – ENSO’s “atmospheric buddy,” according to meteorologist Tom Di Liberto – the proposed Walker switch mechanism puts the blame for ENSO events on two separate, yet intertwined, phenomena. The first is the so-called “ocean thermostat” mechanism: it “infers that if there is heating over the entire tropics, then the Pacific will warm more in the west than the east because strong upwelling and surface divergence in the east moves some of the heat poleward,” the researchers explain.

“Therefore, the east-west temperature gradient will strengthen, causing easterly winds to intensify, further enhancing the zonal temperature gradient,” they write. “This process leads to a La Niña-like mean state in response to increased solar forcing.”

But there were times, the team found, when the climate record didn’t quite match up with what they would expect, if that was all that was going on. Instead, they suggest, this thermostatic relationship might be weakened once a certain threshold gets passed: too much radiation from the sun, they posit, and the surface temperatures even out across the ocean enough for the Walker circulation to become more influential than the thermostat mechanism.

“The ‘Walker switch’ concept helps us better explain the complex interplay of factors that have shaped climate dynamics” in the equatorial Pacific and northern latitudes, said Paul Wilcox, a researcher in the Department of Geology at the University of Innsbruck and co-author of both studies, in a statement.

Of course, it’s only a hypothesis. “We acknowledge that this conceptual mechanism is currently difficult to fully prove,” the authors admit.

“Nevertheless,” they say, “based on the existing evidence, it offers a feasible solution to several climate enigmas.”

Radiation from the sun? Is that what you were talking about before?
Not exactly. See, all that Walker switch stuff was about explaining El Niño on a millennia-long scale – but when it comes to shorter-term patterns, there’s something altogether more sci-fi going on.

A few years ago, a team of scientists from the University of Maryland and the National Center for Atmospheric Research made a controversial suggestion: that ENSO patterns were linked to the sun’s magnetic cycle. While the exact mechanism was – and still is – hazy, their evidence did seem to show that a switch between El Niño and La Niña tends to be aligned with what’s known as “terminator events” in the solar cycle (it sounds worse than it is – it’s basically just the Sun’s New Year).

“We are not the first scientists to study how solar variability may drive changes to the Earth system,” said Bob Leamon, an Associate Research Scientist at the University of Maryland and co-author of the paper that proposed the link back in 2021. “But we are the first to apply the 22-year solar clock. The result – five consecutive terminators lining up with a switch in the El Niño oscillation – is not likely to be a coincidence.”

At first, many other climate scientists were skeptical. “I wouldn’t go so far as to call the results of this work a ‘conclusion’ per se,” space weather physicist Tamitha Skov told Washington Post at the time; “rather something akin to a steppingstone in a new direction.”

But the second paper from the team at Innsbruck, which was published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters in October, seems to support the hypothesis – at least, to a point. By analyzing speleothems in southeastern Alaska, the researchers were able to deduce a record of the influence of solar radiation on the local climate – and, indeed, they write, “ENSO was significantly influenced by solar irradiance over the past ∼3,500 years.”

But very, very recently – only about 50 years ago – that relationship started to break down. And the reason? You guessed it: our old friend climate change.

“ENSO [is] now being dominated by anthropogenic forcing,” the authors write. “This implies a new ENSO mean state that will need to be incorporated into future climate projections.”

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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2024, 03:50:23 PM »
Counteracting Effects on ENSO Due to Ocean Chlorophyll Interannual Variability and Instability In the Tropical Pacific

In as study published in the journal Science China Earth Sciences and led by Prof. Rong-Hua Zhang (School of Marine Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology), large perturbations in chlorophyll (Chl) were observed to coexist at interannual and tropical instability wave (TIW) scales in the tropical Pacific.

"At present, their combined effects on El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) through ocean biology-induced heating (OBH) feedbacks are not understood well," Zhang says.

Zhang and his coworkers adopted a hybrid coupled model (HCM) for the atmosphere and ocean physics-biogeochemistry (AOPB) in the tropical Pacific to quantify how Chl perturbations can modulate ENSO at interannual and TIW scales, individually or collectively, respectively.

The team found that the HCM-based sensitivity experiments demonstrate a counteracting effect on ENSO: the bio-climate feedback due to large-scale Chl interannual variability acts to damp ENSO through its impact on upper-ocean stratification and vertical mixing, whereas that due to TIW-scale Chl perturbations tends to amplify ENSO.

The researchers also illustrated that because ENSO simulations are sensitively dependent on the ways Chl effects are represented at these different scales, it is necessary to adequately take into account these related differential Chl effects in climate modeling. A bias source for ENSO simulations is illustrated that is related to the Chl effects in the tropical Pacific, adding new insight into interactions between the climate system and ocean ecosystem on different scales in the region.

"These new exciting results reveal a level of complexity of ENSO modulations resulting from Chl effects at interannual and TIW scales, which are associated with ocean biogeochemical processes and their interactions with physical processes in the tropical Pacific," Zhang says.

Rong-Hua Zhang et al, Counteracting effects on ENSO induced by ocean chlorophyll interannual variability and tropical instability wave-scale perturbations in the tropical Pacific, Science China Earth Sciences (2023)
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2024, 04:09:05 PM »
Atmospheric Scientists Link Arctic Sea Loss Ice to Strong El Niño Events

A new study, published in Science Advances by researchers at the University at Albany and Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology in China, has found that these events, which typically occur once every few years, might become even stronger due to melting Arctic sea ice.

Using a combination of climate model simulations and observational data, the researchers found that the current interaction of Arctic sea ice with the atmosphere reduces the strength of El Niño events by up to 17%, compared to when the interaction is removed.

"Climate models are already projecting a strengthened El Niño in the upcoming decades due to global warming. Arctic sea ice is also projected to decline rapidly in the upcoming decades," said Aiguo Dai, a Distinguished Professor at UAlbany's Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences and study co-author.

"Our new study suggests that Arctic sea ice-air interactions in the current climate significantly reduce the amplitude of El Niño–Southern Oscillation, compared to the case without such interactions. This represents a new example of the various impacts of Arctic sea ice on our climate."

Jiechun Deng et al, Arctic sea ice–air interactions weaken El Niño–Southern Oscillation, Science Advances (2024).
There are 3 classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see

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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2024, 09:40:59 PM »
Heat from El Niño Can Warm Oceans Off West Antarctica—and Melt Floating Ice Shelves from Below

Antarctic ice shelves are now losing an alarming 150 billion tons of ice per year, adding more water to the ocean and accelerating global sea level rise by 0.6 mm per year. Ice shelves in West Antarctica are particularly prone to melting from the ocean, as many are close to water masses above 0°C.

While the melting trend is clear and concerning, the amount can vary substantially from year-to-year due to the impact of both natural climate fluctuations and human-made climate change. To figure out what is going on and to prepare for the future, we need to tease apart the different drivers—especially El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the world's largest year-to-year natural climate driver.

Our new research, published in Geophysical Research Letters, explores how heat brought by El Niño can warm the ocean around West Antarctica and increase melting of the ice shelves from below.

Using satellite data, researchers recently found that West Antarctic ice shelves actually gain height but lose mass during El Niño. That's because more low-density snow falls at the top of the ice shelves, while at the same time more warm water flows under the ice shelves where it melts compressed high-density ice from underneath.

... The energy brought by El Niño's atmospheric waves to West Antarctica weakens the prevailing easterly winds along the coasts.

Normally, most of the warm water reservoir is located off the continental shelf rather than on the continental shelf. As the winds weaken, more of this warmer water—known as Circumpolar Deep Water—is able to flow onto the continental shelf and near the base of the floating ice shelves.

During La Niña, the opposite occurs and the ice rebounds. Winds along the coast strengthen, pushing more cold surface water onto the continental shelf and preventing warm water from flowing under the ice shelves.

Researchers have found El Niño and La Niña have already become more frequent and more extreme.

If this trend continues, as climate projections suggest, we can expect warming around West Antarctica to get even stronger during El Niño events, accelerating ice shelf melting and speeding up sea level rise.

More frequent and stronger El Niño events could also push us closer to a tipping point in the West Antarctic ice sheet, after which accelerated melting and mass loss could become self-perpetuating. That means the ice wouldn't melt and reform but begin to steadily melt.

Maurice F. Huguenin et al, Subsurface Warming of the West Antarctic Continental Shelf Linked to El Niño‐Southern Oscillation, Geophysical Research Letters (2024).
There are 3 classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see

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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2024, 09:57:16 PM »
The attached graphs + map of the Antarctic Drainage Basins shows how nearly all the AIS Mass Loss is in West Antarctica, and mostly in just 3 coastal basins, (basins 20, 21 & 22).
"I wasn't expecting that quite so soon" kiwichick16
"Para a Causa do Povo a Luta Continua!"
"And that's all I'm going to say about that". Forrest Gump
"Damn, I wanted to see what happened next" (Epitaph)


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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2024, 04:33:44 PM »
Climate Model Suggests Extreme El Niño Tipping Point Could Be Reached If Global Warming Continues

A trio of physicists and oceanologists, two with the University of Cologne's Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology and the third with the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel, all in Germany, has found via the CESM1 climate model that an extreme El Niño tipping point could be reached in the coming decades under current emissions.

The study by Tobias Bayr, Stephanie Fiedler and Joke Lübbecke is published in Geophysical Research Letters.

Prior research has shown that such extreme events used to occur approximately eight or nine times per century. Some in the field have suggested that rising global temperatures could make them happen more often.

To find out if that might be the case, the researchers gathered historical data, as well as data from other research efforts describing possible weather impacts due to rising global temperatures, and fed it to the CESM1 model then ran it under increased-temperature scenarios. Current estimates suggest that an increase of 2.9°C will occur by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not stopped.

In their work, the model showed that if temperatures keep rising past 2100 to as much as 3.7°C, a tipping point could be reached where virtually all ENSO events will be extreme. Such a tipping point, they note, suggests that even if mankind was somehow able to stop climate change, it would take centuries for the weather to return to what they describe as "normal."

The model also showed that extreme ENSO events would happen more often, as well, perhaps as often as every four years. It also showed changes, such as the Gulf Stream dropping farther south, leading to far less rain in Canada and northern parts of the U.S., and more rain in southern parts of the U.S.

Tobias Bayr et al, Is El Niño‐Southern Oscillation a Tipping Element in the Climate System?, Geophysical Research Letters (2024)


Observed El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) varies between decades with high ENSO amplitude and more extreme Eastern Pacific (EP) El Niño events and decades with low ENSO amplitude and mainly weak El Niño events. Based on experiments with the CESM1 model, ENSO may lock-in into an extreme EP El Niño-dominated state in a +3.7 K warmer climate, while in a −4.0 K cooler climate ENSO may lock-in into a weak El Niño-dominated state. The state shift of ENSO with global warming can be explained by the location and amplitude of the strongest warming over the eastern equatorial Pacific, which amplifies the Bjerknes feedback and allows a southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone onto the equator, a prerequisite of extreme EP El Niños. In light of these results, we discuss to what extent the state of ENSO may be a tipping element in the climate system.

Key Points
  • El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) may be a tipping element in the climate system as its characteristics can be very different under colder or warmer mean climates
  • In a warmer climate, ENSO can lock-in into a state with high variability and nearly each El Niño is an extreme Eastern Pacific (EP) El Niño
  • More extreme EP El Niño events would strongly increase the socio-economic impacts of ENSO

Plain Language Summary
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominant mode of climate variability with far-reaching impacts. El Niños, the warm events, occur in different flavors. In particular extreme Eastern Pacific (EP) El Niño events are associated with heavy precipitation events and extreme droughts, thus cause large socio-economic impacts in the Pacific region and beyond. In the observational record, they are quite rare so far. Here we present experiments of one climate model, which suggests that in a warmer climate ENSO may lock-in in a different state, in which nearly each El Niño is an extreme EP El Niño. On the other hand in a colder climate ENSO may lock-in in a state with nearly no extreme EP El Niños. In both climates this would have huge consequences for the socio-economic impacts of ENSO. Against this background we raise the discussion if ENSO may be a tipping element in the climate system.
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2024, 12:29:04 AM »
'New El Niño' Discovered South of the Equator

A small area of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, near New Zealand and Australia, can trigger temperature changes that affect the entire Southern Hemisphere, a new study has found.

The new climate pattern, which shares some characteristics with the El Niño phenomenon, has been named the "Southern Hemisphere Circumpolar Wavenumber-4 Pattern."

Unlike El Niño, which starts in the tropics, this new pattern begins in the mid-latitudes. The study, published this month in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, highlights how important the interaction between the ocean and atmosphere is for our climate.

... The weather pattern works like a global chain reaction. This pattern creates four alternating warm and cool areas in the oceans, forming a complete circle in the Southern Hemisphere. It starts near the ocean of New Zealand and Australia. When the ocean temperature changes in this small area, it triggers a ripple effect in the atmosphere. This creates a wave-like pattern that travels around the entire Southern Hemisphere, carried by strong westerly winds.

This new pattern happens independently of other known weather systems in the tropics, such as the warming El Niño pattern of currents and trade winds, or its opposite, cooling phase, La Niña. This suggests it has always been a part of Earth's climate, but it has only just been noticed.

Balaji Senapati et al, Southern Hemisphere Circumpolar Wavenumber‐4 Pattern Simulated in SINTEX‐F2 Coupled Model, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (2024).

Key Points

  •     First attempt to successfully simulate the wavenumber-4 (W4) pattern of Southern Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) using a coupled model, uncovering the underlying physical processes
  •     Southwestern subtropical Pacific SST plays a crucial role in generating SST W4 pattern via circumpolar atmospheric variability
  •     The ocean mixed layer and upper ocean processes are found to be important for the growth and decay of the SST pattern

Plain Language Summary

In the subtropical-midlatitude Southern Hemisphere, we often observe year-to-year fluctuations in sea surface temperature (SST) linked to a specific pattern known as wavenumber-4 (W4). This study represents the first successful attempt to simulate this temperature pattern using a climate emulator called SINTEX-F2, allowing us to uncover its physical processes. Our research reveals that SST variations in the southwestern subtropical Pacific (SWSP) play a pivotal role in generating the W4 pattern in the atmosphere, subsequently influencing SST during austral summer. Interestingly, this pattern is almost independent of tropical SST variability. The process starts with heating in the SWSP, causing atmospheric disturbances. This leads to an undulation in mid-latitude atmospheric flow, evolving into a well-established global Rossby wave with four positive (negative) loading centers, forming a W4 pattern. This atmospheric wave interacts with the ocean's surface, leading to heat exchange between the atmosphere and the upper ocean. In turn, it influences the depth of the mixed layer in the upper ocean, which receives solar energy. When solar energy penetrates into a shallower (deeper) mixed layer, it warms (cools) the mixed layer effectively, resulting in higher (lower) SSTs. Afterwards, the energy exchange between the mixed layer and the deep ocean contributes to the decay of the SST pattern.
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2024, 03:52:56 AM »
 The Atlantic is cooling at record speed and nobody knows why

After over a year of record-high global sea temperatures, the Atlantic is cooling off more quickly than ever recorded, which could impact weather around the world.

Over the past three months, the shift from hot to cool temperatures in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean has happened at record speed. This emerging “Atlantic Niña” pattern comes just ahead of an expected transition to a cooler La Niña in the Pacific Ocean, and these back-to-back events could have ripple effects on weather worldwide.

The swing towards cooler temperatures in both oceans is a welcome change after more than a year of record heat at land and sea, largely driven by the rise in greenhouse gas emissions and a warm El Niño pattern in the tropical Pacific Ocean that developed in mid-2023.

“We are starting to see that the global mean ocean temperatures are going down a bit,” says Pedro DiNezio at the University of Colorado Boulder. According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), global sea surface temperatures this past July were slightly cooler than in July 2023 – ending a 15-month streak of record-high average ocean temperatures.

The Pacific El Niño faded in May, and between September and November, cooler-than-average La Niña conditions are likely to develop, according to the latest NOAA forecast. This is driven in part by strengthening trade winds that allow colder water to emerge from the deeper ocean. El Niño, on the other hand, is associated with weaker trade winds that reduce the upwelling of cooler water. This multi-year cycle is called the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and it is one of the main sources of natural variability within the global climate.

Though it has a much smaller influence on the climate, the equatorial Atlantic Ocean also fluctuates between warm “Niños” and cold “Niñas” every few years. Like ENSO, this oscillation is also often associated with the strength of trade winds.

As in the Pacific, the equatorial Atlantic saw unusually hot Niño conditions for much of 2023, and sea surface temperatures earlier this year were the warmest in decades. “It’s the latest episode in a string of events for a climate system that’s gone off the rails for a number of years,” says Michael McPhaden at NOAA.

Over the past three months, temperatures in that part of the Atlantic cooled off more rapidly than at any time in records extending back to 1982. This sudden shift is perplexing because the strong trade winds that normally drive such cooling have not developed, says Franz Philip Tuchen at the University of Miami in Florida. “We’ve gone through the list of possible mechanisms, and nothing checks the box so far.”

If temperatures remain 0.5°C cooler than average for at least another month, it will officially be considered an “Atlantic Niña”, says Tuchen.

The two potential La Niñas are likely to influence weather patterns around the world due to their effects on temperature and humidity. A Pacific La Niña is generally associated with dry weather in the western US and wet weather in East Africa, while an Atlantic Niña tends to reduce precipitation in Africa’s Sahel region and boost it in parts of Brazil. The two La Niñas could also have opposing influences on the ongoing Atlantic hurricane season: the Pacific La Niña is expected to increase the likelihood of Atlantic hurricanes when it arrives in September, but the Atlantic La Niña may weaken certain conditions, such as atmospheric wave activity, required for hurricanes to form.

The cycles could also influence each other directly. Exactly how is challenging to predict, but there is reason to think the Atlantic La Niña could delay the development of La Niña in the Pacific, slowing its cooling effects across the global climate, says McPhaden. “There could be a tug of war between the Pacific trying to cool itself and the Atlantic trying to warm it.”
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2024, 02:00:24 PM »
looks like the UK will get a wet winter this year ...

Research Links El Niño to Atlantic Weather a Year Later, Could Enhance Long-Range Weather Forecasting

Scientists at the U.K.'s Meteorological Office have discovered that away from the tropics, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has an additional impact on Atlantic weather patterns a full year on from the original event. Research shows this one year lagged extratropical response to ENSO is as strong as the simultaneous response, but with an opposite impact.

For example, it has now been shown that El Niño, which can increase the chance of colder winters in the UK, can result in a milder winter period the following year.

While ENSO is just one of many drivers that influence the UK weather, it can be important, particularly in the winter months.

Lead researcher Professor Adam Scaife, of the Met Office and the University of Exeter, said, "This latest research reveals that El Niño is often followed by positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) a whole year later, while La Niña is followed by negative NAO one year later. The results of this research have major implications for understanding ENSO, explaining our winter climate variability and interpreting long range predictions."

The research shows that knowledge of the previous winter ENSO event is also important for understanding some of the UK's extreme winters. In cases in which El Niño is followed by La Niña, or vice versa, the lagged effects can boost expected impacts.

For example, La Niña was followed by El Niño in 1968/69, 1976/77, 2009/10, boosting the resulting cold weather, while the UK saw mild and stormy weather in the winters of 1988/89, 1998/99, 2007/8 when El Niño was followed by La Niña.

ENSO shifts back and forth irregularly every two to seven years, bringing predictable shifts in ocean surface temperature and disrupting wind and rainfall patterns across the tropics.

With increased understanding of the teleconnections and impacts of ENSO, meteorologists will be better able to reproduce them in climate models and better able to plan for variations in winter weather.

Adam A. Scaife et al, ENSO affects the North Atlantic Oscillation 1 year later, Science (2024).
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2024, 05:02:07 PM »
El Niño Southern Oscillation Caused Spike In 2023 Temperatures, Study Finds

A study by scientists at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science identified El Niño–Southern Oscillation as the primary cause of the spike in global surface temperature in 2023, not human-induced climate change. The rapid rise in global surface temperature in 2023 led to concerns and speculation among the public and media as to the cause.

The researchers analyzed models that allow the climate to evolve without any influence from human activity to show that there is a 10% chance that a spike in temperatures occurs when an El Niño event was preceded by a long La Niña, as happened in 2022–2023.

Furthermore, nearly all spikes were associated with an El Niño event. The results indicate that the 2023 warming spike was primarily caused by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, rather than human-induced global warming events.

"Our experiments showed that when human influences were absent from climate simulations, global warming spikes were still produced."

"This result does not take away from the fact that human emission of greenhouse gases is responsible for the long-term warming trend and that this warming will continue until the net emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases is brought to zero," said Brian Soden, a co-author of the study and a professor of atmospheric sciences at the Rosenstiel School.

Shiv Priyam Raghuraman et al, The 2023 global warming spike was driven by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2024)
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2024, 06:22:44 PM »
I can't believe this title made it through peer review, the title implies that El Nino was the primary driver of the spike and that there was causation, neither of which were proven by the study. The media then ran away with it and made an even stronger headline.

The article merely shows that the such a temperature spike was made ~7 times more likely by long La Nina followed by El Nino, but still only with a 10% chance of occurring under those conditions. From my perspective that makes it very likely that something else, besides ENSO, was also a major factor. Not to mention the fact that the spike began BEFORE the declaration of ENSO, in March of 2023, while El Nino conditions weren't declared until June-July, and there is usually a 4-5 month lag in GSATs relative to Nino 3.4 levels.

Further, the spike has continued with renewed vigor in the past few months, despite ENSO falling to neutral and more recently into La Nina. See attached time series of GSAT anomalies this year and last, courtesy of Eliot Jacobson. Sure ENSO played a role of course, but all this paper proved is that there was a low chance of what happened occurring without some other process aside from ENSO and expected AGW.
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2024, 08:53:59 PM »
Weather-changing El Nino oscillation is at least 250 million years old

Modeling experiments show Pacific warm and cold patches persisted even when continents were in different places

The El Niño event, a huge blob of warm ocean water in the tropical Pacific Ocean that can change rainfall patterns around the globe, isn't just a modern phenomenon.

A new modeling study from a pair of Duke University researchers and their colleagues shows that the oscillation between El Niño and its cold counterpart, La Niña, was present at least 250 million years in the past, and was often of greater magnitude than the oscillations we see today.

These temperature swings were more intense in the past, and the oscillation occurred even when the continents were in different places than they are now, according to the study, which appears the week of Oct. 21 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"In each experiment, we see active El Niño Southern Oscillation, and it's almost all stronger than what we have now, some way stronger, some slightly stronger," said Shineng Hu, an assistant professor of climate dynamics in Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment.

Climate scientists study El Niño, a giant patch of unusually warm water on either side of the equator in the eastern Pacific Ocean, because it can alter the jet stream, drying out the U.S. northwest while soaking the southwest with unusual rains. Its counterpart, the cool blob La Niña, can push the jet stream north, drying out the southwestern U.S., while also causing drought in East Africa and making the monsoon season of South Asia more intense.

The researchers used the same climate modeling tool used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to try to project climate change into the future, except they ran it backwards to see the deep past.

The simulation is so computationally intense that the researchers couldn't model each year continuously from 250 million years ago. Instead they did 10-million-year 'slices' -- 26 of them.

"The model experiments were influenced by different boundary conditions, like different land-sea distribution (with the continents in different places), different solar radiation, different CO2," Hu said. Each simulation ran for thousands of model years for robust results and took months to complete.

"At times in the past, the solar radiation reaching Earth was about 2% lower than it is today, but the planet-warming CO2 was much more abundant, making the atmosphere and oceans way warmer than present, Hu said." In the Mezozoic period, 250 million years ago, South America was the middle part of the supercontinent Pangea, and the oscillation occurred in the Panthalassic Ocean to its west.

The study shows that the two most important variables in the magnitude of the oscillation historically appear to be the thermal structure of the ocean and "atmospheric noise" of ocean surface winds.

Previous studies have focused on ocean temperatures mostly, but paid less attention to the surface winds that seem so important in this study, Hu said. "So part of the point of our study is that, besides ocean thermal structure, we need to pay attention to atmospheric noise as well and to understand how those winds are going to change."

Hu likens the oscillation to a pendulum. "Atmospheric noise -- the winds -- can act just like a random kick to this pendulum," Hu said. "We found both factors to be important when we want to understand why the El Niño was way stronger than what we have now."
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2024, 10:14:22 PM »
Study Reveals Acceleration In Pacific Upper-Ocean Circulation Over Past 30 Years, Impacting Global Weather Patterns

A new study has revealed significant acceleration in the upper-ocean circulation of the equatorial Pacific over the past 30 years. This acceleration is primarily driven by intensified atmospheric winds, leading to increased oceanic currents that are both stronger and shallower, with potential impacts on regional and global climate patterns, including the frequency and intensity of El Niño and La Niña events. The study provides a spatial view of these long-term trends from observations, adding at least another decade of data from previous studies.

The research team synthesized thirty years of long-term ocean and atmosphere observations from satellites, mooring buoys, and ocean surface drifters.

The study, titled "Strengthening of the equatorial Pacific upper-ocean circulation over the past three decades" was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, on October 31, 2024.

By integrating the reanalysis of wind data and satellite altimetry into a high-resolution, gridded time series of near-surface ocean currents, this study presents a new and comprehensive view to date of the changes in the Pacific upper-ocean circulation.

The research findings indicate that stronger winds across the equatorial Pacific have caused a notable acceleration of westward near-surface currents by approximately 20% in the central equatorial Pacific. Poleward currents north and south of the equator have also accelerated, with increases of 60% and 20%, respectively.

"The equatorial thermocline—a critical ocean layer for El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dynamics—has steepened significantly," said Tuchen. "This steepening trend could reduce ENSO amplitude in the eastern Pacific and favor more frequent central Pacific El Niño events, potentially altering regional and global climate patterns associated with ENSO."

The researchers suggest the findings could help improve the predictability of ENSO events and related weather patterns, especially for regions like the United States, which experience significant climate variability from ENSO-driven changes.

Franz Philip Tuchen et al, Strengthening of the Equatorial Pacific Upper‐Ocean Circulation Over the Past Three Decades, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (2024)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2024, 03:42:24 PM by vox_mundi »
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2024, 02:51:19 PM »
Study Reveals Acceleration In Pacific Upper-Ocean Circulation Over Past 30 Years, Impacting Global Weather Patterns

A new study has revealed significant acceleration in the upper-ocean circulation of the equatorial Pacific over the past 30 years.

"The equatorial thermocline—a critical ocean layer for El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dynamics—has steepened significantly," said Tuchen. "This steepening trend could reduce ENSO amplitude in the eastern Pacific and favor more frequent central Pacific El Niño events, potentially altering regional and global climate patterns associated with ENSO."
This paper strongly suggests a link between Arctic warming and cooling due to differences in eastern tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures
Distinct impacts of major El Niño events on Arctic temperatures due to differences in eastern tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures

Hyein Jeong1, Hyo-Seok Park1,2*, Malte F. Stuecker3, Sang-Wook Yeh1,2

The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a climate mode in the tropical Pacific. The ENSO teleconnections are known to affect Arctic temperature; however, the robustness of this relationship remains debated. We find that Arctic surface temperatures during three major El Niño events are remarkably well simulated by a state-of-the-art model when nudged to the observed pantropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs).

SST perturbation experiments show that the 1982–1983 warm pan-Arctic and the 1997–1998 cold pan-Arctic during winter can be explained by far eastern equatorial Pacific SSTs being higher during 1997–1998 than 1982–1983. Consistently, during the 2017–2018 La Niña, unusually low SSTs in the same region contributed to pan-Arctic warming. These pan-Arctic responses to the SSTs are realized through latent heating anomalies over the western and eastern tropical Pacific. These results highlight the importance of accurately representing SST amplitude and pattern for Arctic climate predictions.
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2024, 09:58:37 PM »
I just wanted to share my observations about the current El Nino. It is one of major Ninos. We had similar ones in 2015/16, 1997/98 and 1982/83.

On this chart  (monthly ERA data from Copernicus) I show how monthly global temperature anomalies changed relative to the January of the year the Nino started (ie. 1982,1997,2015,2023).

During this Nino global temperatures rose cca 0,55C vs the previous ones during which they rose cca 0,45C. However, that is not the big difference. The big difference is that this time global temperatures peaked much earlier and for much longer than before and after the peak they did NOT drop (so far) very much. I don't know why that is, my suspicion is that North Atlantic and Pacific warming is messing with the normal cycle.


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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2024, 12:09:01 PM »
I just wanted to share my observations about the current El Nino. It is one of major Ninos. We had similar ones in 2015/16, 1997/98 and 1982/83.

On this chart  (monthly ERA data from Copernicus) I show how monthly global temperature anomalies changed relative to the January of the year the Nino started (ie. 1982,1997,2015,2023).

During this Nino global temperatures rose cca 0,55C vs the previous ones during which they rose cca 0,45C. However, that is not the big difference. The big difference is that this time global temperatures peaked much earlier and for much longer than before and after the peak they did NOT drop (so far) very much. I don't know why that is, my suspicion is that North Atlantic and Pacific warming is messing with the normal cycle.

The causal direction is the wrong way round. Where is the North Atlantic and Pacific warming coming from? Graph from Makiko Sato - shows relation between ENSO and GMST is broken since 2015. Most likely cause is the reduction of SO2 emissions from shipping - causing global warming to now be so fast (approx. 0.3degC/decade) that it overwhelms any variability due to ENSO.


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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2024, 01:11:19 PM »
2015 seems to be too early to attribute it to shipping.

Until 2020, global shipping used dirty, high-sulphur fuels that produced air pollution. The pollution particles blocked sunlight and helped form more clouds, thereby curbing global heating. But new regulations at the start of 2020 slashed the sulphur content of fuels by more than 80%

So this would mean it broke down due to increased temperatures before the recent increases due to less pollution.
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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2024, 08:24:04 PM »
Shipping (sulphur reduction) based warming MAY be a good explanation for a faster rate of global warming but not to what I posted above. The ENSO cycle started months earlier and the peak lasted months longer than usual.

If aerosols changed the rate of warming that would still not mean that global warming effects of an El Nino would last longer, it would only mean that temperatures rise faster year after year (as per Hansen's calculations from 0,18/C/decade to cca 0,3-0,4 C/decade)

Also, Nino 3.4 and 1+2 temperatures started rising at a similar date as during previous cycles BUT its global effects materialized earlier and lasted longer. Aerosols do not explain that

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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2024, 10:52:44 AM »
While EN was under way Hansen said it wasn't as big as people thought, the baseline being used was wrong due to underestimation of the background warming rate, and it wouldn't go back down as far as was expected afterwards. I haven't seen anything from him since the summer, but I'm expecting him to claim "victory" on this at  some point.


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Re: ENSO general science
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2024, 06:11:04 AM »
might be too soon to say that its not going to trend back to the pack  .......sea temps are declining currently  ......and air temps could be trending that way as well