The following two linked references indicate that measurement show that North America snow has a much lower albedo than previously expected, meaning that the identified trend will serve as a positive feedback mechanism for global warming:
Doherty, S. J., C. Dang, D. A. Hegg, R. Zhang, and S. G. Warren (2014), Black carbon and other light-absorbing particles in snow of central North America, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 12,807–12,831, doi:10.1002/2014JD022350. "Vertical profiles of light-absorbing particles in seasonal snow were sampled from 67 North American sites. Over 500 snow samples and 55 soil samples from these sites were optically analyzed for spectrally resolved visible light absorption. The optical measurements were used to estimate black carbon (BC) mixing ratios in snow ( ), contributions to absorption by BC and non-BC particles, and the absorption Ångström exponent of particles in snow and local soil. Sites in Canada tended to have the lowest BC mixing ratios (typically ~5–35 ng g−1), with somewhat higher in the Pacific Northwest (typically ~5–40 ng g−1) and Intramountain Northwest (typically 10–50 ng g−1). The Northern U.S. Plains sites were the dirtiest, with typically ~15–70 ng g−1 and multiple sample layers with >100 ng g−1 BC in snow. Snow water samples were also chemically analyzed for standard anions, selected carbohydrates, and various elements. The chemical and optical data were input to a Positive Matrix Factorization analysis of the sources of particulate light absorption. These were soil, biomass/biofuel burning, and fossil fuel pollution. Comparable analyses have been conducted for the Arctic and North China, providing a broad, internally consistent data set. As in North China, soil is a significant contributor to snow particulate light absorption in the Great Plains. We also examine the concentrations and sources of snow particulate light absorption across a latitudinal transect from the northern U.S. Great Plains to Arctic Canada by combining the current data with our earlier Arctic survey."
Dang, C., and D. A. Hegg (2014), Quantifying light absorption by organic carbon in Western North American snow by serial chemical extractions, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 10,247–10,261, doi:10.1002/2014JD022156. "Light-absorbing particulates (LAPs) in snow, namely black carbon (BC), organic carbon (OC), and iron oxides, can reduce snow albedo and influence regional and global climate. Partitioning light absorption by LAPs to BC and non-BC (i.e., OC and iron oxides) is important yet difficult due to both technical limitations and the complicated nature of LAPs. In this work, we applied serial chemical extractions on LAP samples acquired from snow samples in western North America to study the light absorption by different types of OC. We also estimated the light absorption due to iron oxides. Based on these chemical analyses, we then compared our estimation of the non-BC light absorption with that from an optical method. The results suggest that humic-like substances (sodium hydroxide (NaOH)-soluble), polar OCs (methanol-soluble), and iron oxides are responsible for 9%, 4%, and 14% (sample means) of the total light absorption, respectively, in our samples, though it should also be noted that there is great variance in these means. The total light absorption due to non-BC LAPs estimated by chemical methods is lower than that estimated by optical method by about 10% in all sampling regions. Reasons for this difference are explored."
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