JAXA ARCTIC SEA ICE EXTENT: 12,637,492 KM2 as at 01-Jan-2024
- Extent gain on this day 67k which is 31 k more than the average gain on this day (of the last 10 years) of 36k,
- Extent gain from minimum on this date is 8,502 k, which is 564 k, 7.1% more than the 10 year average of 7,937 k.
- Extent is 16th lowest in the 45 year satellite record.
- Extent is 470 k MORE than 2023,
- Extent is 59 k LESS than 2022,
- Extent is 477 k MORE than 2021,
- Extent is 205 k MORE than 2020,
- Extent is 692 k MORE than 2018,
- Extent is 562 k MORE than 2017
- Extent is 109 k LESS than 2012
- Extent is 1,215 k LESS than the 1980’s Average
- Extent is 297 k MORE than the 2010's Average.
On average 81.0% of extent gains from minimum to maximum done, and 63 days to maximum.
Projections. (Table JAXA-Arc1)
Average remaining extent gain (of the last 10 years) would produce a maximum in March 2024 of 14.50 million km2, 0.63 million km2 above the March 2017 record low maximum of 13.88 million km2, which would be 15th lowest in the satellite record.
N.B. Click on image to enlarge