Good notice, @Steven. I stand corrected. I know this was mentioned before as well, but I also failed to notice it and put that remark while generating the list. By the way, my guess is that the list is just a coincidence regarding final results, but it may play a bit of a role on a day-to-day comparison during melt season for a specific date, given that a few days of melt during i.e. June or July make a huge difference, after all.
@interstitial you have a point as well. 5-day sliding window for sea ice area by NSIDC is definitely a more reliable way of observing the data. It may not be as accurate for a specific day in terms of raw data, but there are some occasional blips in the data and it helps out to smooth out such inconsistencies. I generated the list using daily sea ice area values by NSIDC and, by such comparison, 2024 is behind 2020 daily sea ice minimum by mere 5,000 km
For a better overview of condition of the sea ice area, it's more useful to stick with 5-day sliding window and you are right, last year's minimum, by such calculation, is not yet surpassed and it's about 80,000 km2 away.
I spent some time checking on the polarportal's daily and yearly data regarding volume. It seems that 2024 is breaking a new record each day now, because it matched a record low volume from early September 2012 some days ago and it continues with a seemingly very steep loss of volume even for this day of the year. I am posting 2016 for this day, another strong melt year which had one of lowest volume minimums by polarportal, just to signify how destructive this year was (and that graph also has 2012, which held a record low arctic sea ice volume on a daily basis, which gives a good comparison and signals that 2024 melt season is "exploring the uncharted areas" now):
PIOMAS was usually considered as most reliable until this newly updated tool came along and gained traction this summer (or shall I say "recognition"?) on this forum and beyond. It'd be useful to hear new opinions on comparison of different tools for measuring or approximating volume (but not on this thread, of course).
In any case, according to DMI, previous record low daily sea ice volume was held by 2012, but it basically stalled with any volume losses around early September.
These big losses in the ongoing melt season seem to coincide well with models on nullschool and climatereanalyzer, at least from what I had the chance to compare in the last few days. I am not well-versed with posting good animations from nullschool on forum and I didn't save data from climatereanalyzer for previous few days to prove my point. But, from what I see as the forecast for the next few days on climatereeanalyzer, the same situation will continue in the next few days (at it should be fairly reliable forecast), so we can expect DMI's graphs to show even lower sea ice volume over the course of the next couple of days. Let's see just how low can it go before refreeze takes over.