Happy New Year 2024 (and sorry for the forum being offline some hours) /DM
Total Members Voted: 33
Voting closed: July 30, 2024, 08:15:41 PM
It looks to me like the Fury and Hekla Strait has finally opened.
"Who won?"
[Most] passageways are still wide open
The Parry Channel is still remarkably free of sea ice. The old ice that filtered through the CAA "garlic press" into Viscount Melville Sound and Barrow Strait earlier in the month has melted away to nothing:
Not sure who won
The latest CIS weekly chart agrees that the Parry Channel is currently almost entirely free of sea ice:
So now I'm wondering what the latest (in the year) transit of the NWP was and whether someone will attempt to break that record this year.