To the documents produced from QGIS, the satellite images among others, I add geographical information (latitudes and longitudes) and, if their display is not useless and does not hinder the understanding and reading of these images, historical information relating to the front lines and grounding lines obtained from these databases:
> MEaSUREs Antarctic boundaries (green line; with data for the years 2007/2009)
> USNIC_Antarctic Ice Shelf Data (yellow line; from early 2019 or earlier)
> SCAR_ADD-Antarctic Digital Database v7.3 (orange line; from early 2020)
> SCAR_ADD-Antarctic Digital Database v7.4 (red line; from early 2021)
> SCAR_ADD-Antarctic Digital Database v7.5 (lilla line; from early 2022)
and, new databases,
> SCAR_ADD-Antarctic Digital Database v7.6 (violet line; from late summer 2022)
Stefan rightly asked me about the meaning of these lines, but their actual content, especially the date of their update, depends on the sector we are dealing with and the official information, which you will find at the end of the post, is not always sufficient.
For this reason, for each sector that I will deal with, I will write a post to give the S1 images that, with their frontline, come closest to the frontlines of these DBs. And in the following posts, related to the same sector, I will refer to this post.
This post corresponds to the PIG sector.
You will find below :
> The Modis image of 31-10-2008 which gives the indicative date for the MEaSURE database (in this case I preferred to work from a less zoomed image)
> An animation containing the S1 images zoomed in on the front: from 11-04-2019 (USNIC), from 05-04-2020 (ADD 7.3), from 12-04-2021 (ADD 7.4), from 07-04-2022 (ADD 7.5) and from 05-04-2020 (ADD 7.6)
> A non-zoomed image of the PIG with all databases displayed
Remarks :
> In the USNIC and ADD 7.3 databases a grounding line is used, which, in relation to the SWT, is obsolete and wrong (it gives it fully grounded to the front). This is understandable in the extreme. What surprises me completely is USNIC which marks the presence of the ice shelf in the part of the so-called grounded area that has calved! ADD 7.3 uses the same grounding line, but at least corrects the grounded area by cutting out the calving part. The other databases all use a different grounding line, which, relative to the SWT, is correct (so in total we have two grounding line models).
> Clearly the positioning of the images and that of the database do not coincide (no miracle). I have tried to choose the image at the right date as best as possible.
Click to enlarge (and animate the second image) and click again to enlarge completely
Official information on these databases:
> MEaSUREs Antarctic boundaries (green line; with data for the years 2007/2009)
The maps are assembled from 2008-2009 ice-front data from ALOS PALSAR and ENVISAT ASAR data acquired during International Polar Year, 2007-2009 (IPY), the InSAR-based grounding line data (MEaSUREs Antarctic Grounding Line from Differential Satellite Radar Interferometry), augmented with other grounding line sources, the Antarctic ice velocity map (MEaSUREs InSAR-Based Antarctica Ice Velocity Map), and the Bedmap-2 DEM.
> USNIC_Antarctic Ice Shelf Data (yellow line; from early 2019 or earlier)
> SCAR_ADD-Antarctic Digital Database v7.3 (orange line; from early 2020)
> SCAR_ADD-Antarctic Digital Database v7.4 (red line; from early 2021)
Major changes in v7.4 include updates to coastline and ice shelves between Gipps Ice Rise and Ronne Ice Shelf, updated ice shelf fronts for Brunt, Stange and West ice shelves, Pine Island Glacier, and an updated coastline for Adelaide Island.
> SCAR_ADD-Antarctic Digital Database v7.5 (lilla line; from early 2022)
Major changes in v7.5 include updates to ice shelf fronts in the following regions: Seal Nunataks and Scar Inlet region, the Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf, between the Brunt Ice Shelf and Riiser-Larsen Peninsula, the Shackleton and Conger ice shelves, and Crosson, Thwaites and Pine Island. Small areas of grounding line and ice coastlines were also updated in some of these regions as needed.
> SCAR_ADD-Antarctic Digital Database v7.6 (violet line; from late summer 2022)
Changes in v7.6 include updates to the Amery Ice Shelf front, ice shelves and glaciers east of Law Dome, and sections of coast and ice shelf around Abbot Ice Shelf and Pine Island Glacier.