The whole point of Pine Island is the retrograde bed.
Thanks for the great images, animations, and analysis; and as I do not have mad image processing skills I will continue writing about back story issues and implications for future model projections for the PIG.
Certainly, the most prominent mechanism for the PIG's recent behavior has been the retrograde bed & the oceanic induced melting at the grounding line. However, as indicated by the Gladestone et al. 2012 analysis/image, and the ESA SAR Interferometry image in #440, by the 2011-2012 season the grounding line reached the bottom of the retrograde slope and furthermore, per Dutrieux et al. (2014), during the 2010-2011 La Nina the grounding line melting for the PIG decreased by about 50% (between January 2010 and 2012):
Dutrieux P, Rydt JD, Jenkins A, Holland PR, Ha HK, Lee SH, Steig EJ, Ding Q, Abrahamsen EP, Schroder M (2014), "Strong sensitivity of Pine Island ice-shelf melting to climatic variability", Science, 343 (6167), 174-178, DOI: 10.1126/science.1244341 "Oceanic melting decreased by 50% between January 2010 and 2012, with ocean conditions in 2012 partly attributable to atmospheric forcing associated with a strong La Niña event."
See also:
Steig EJ, Ding Q, Battisti DS, Jenkins A: Tropical forcing of circumpolar deep water inflow and outlet glacier thinning in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 53, 19-28 (2012). Q, Steig EJ, Battisti DS, Wallace JM: Influence of the tropics on the Southern Annular Mode. Journal of Climate, 25, 6330-63 (2012)., N.A., Naish, T.T., Mayewski, P.A. and Barrett, P.J., (2006), "Opposing oceanic and atmospheric ENSO influences on the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica", Advances in Geosciences, 6, pp 83-88, SRef-ID: 1680-7359/adgeo/2006-6-83
The impact of the combination of the grounding line reaching the bottom of the retrograde and the 2010-2011 La Nina on the PIG ice flux can clearly be seen in the attached image from the
2014 Rignot paper at the following link (reposted):, the implications of the Anna Hogg image/analysis from March 2015 is that from suppressed ice flux conditions from 2010 to 2014 the failed El Nino of the 2014-2015 season restored the ice velocities back to the pre-2010 levels (4km/yr). Thus the bottom topography of the PIG is only part of the story and ENSO cycles and more importantly future atmospheric warming following a BAU pathway to about 2038 per DeConto and Pollard (2015) will likely drive cliff failures and hydrofracturing that will accelerate ice mass loss from the PIG significantly as the image analyses in this thread show that there are plenty of preformed crevasses in the PIG/PIIS to promote future cliff failures driving by hydrofracturing.
With a hat-tip to Lennart van der Linde for the DeConto and Pollard reference below:
"DeConto and Pollard are expected to publish a new paper on Antarctica in the coming months. So let's see what they have to say in addition to this sneak preview of their findings:"the magnitude and rate of Antarctic ice sheet retreat are highly dependent on which future greenhouse gas scenario is followed, but even the lower emission scenarios produce an Antarctic contribution of several meters within the next several centuries. Once atmospheric CO2 concentrations exceed 2x preindustrial levels, we find that hydrofracturing by surface melt on ice shelves can trigger large-scale ice sheet retreat, regardless of circum-Antarctic ocean warming. Hence, unlike the LIG, atmospheric (not ocean) warming has the potential to become the primary mechanism driving future retreat of the Antarctic ice sheet. In simulations without atmospheric warming, we find small amounts of ocean warming can still produce large-scale retreat of the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet, although the timescale of ocean-driven retreat is slower than atmospherically driven retreat.""