For many years, we have allowed China to sell us cheap, often inferior goods but we continued on anyway with them because cheap helped the poor.
China sells cheap crap because that is what the US orders from them.
You have failed to understand the bare basics of trade and manufacturing.
Companies in the US make an order with the specifications for the product.
China makes the product and sends it to the company.
The US company sells those goods for a profit as cheaply as possible to undercut the opposition.
And the US population buys the cheapest version.
And when that happens, you blame China for making the inferior products the US companies ordered.... this is basic stuff. You cant blame China for the problem when they are making products as per instructions from the buyer.
China makes a lot of excellent products as well but I suppose you think that is the mighty US doing that and not China.
When China’s balance of payments became to one sided , a good trading partner then purchases from the other side, China however goes out of its way not to purchase anything from the U.S. and instead tries to open other markets by purchasing god they could purchase from America, elsewhere .Additionally, they participate in industrial and Technological theft continuously, stealing 100’s of billions every year.
When balance of payments occur, a country will trade with the place that provides the products they want at the cheapest price. That is called capitalism, something the US is proud to boast about and rant on about free trade.
BUT... when it doesnt work in favor for the US they cry like little bitches about it.
Business is business, it isnt doing deals for friends and neighbors that are bad for one side or the other.
China doesnt go out of its way to avoid buying US products, they get the products from the place that provides the product for the cheapest price. This is fair enough. The US does it all the time and is now avoiding and punishing China for doing the exact same thing.
Lastly, they have set upon a program of sending illegal drugs like fentanyl especially to the U.s., much of it comes from China and the Chinese Government knows it.
The US has a drug problem and doesnt handle it at all.
And since the US is failing to deal with their addiction, they blame the dealer.
Selling drugs to countries, especially enemies, has a long tradition in history. You should read up on how opium was used by the British to undermine China... it is kinda funny that China is doing the same thing to the US. And the irony of the CIA being drug runners isnt lost on me either.
Hyporite much?
Hey, I have said this before, but if you want to fix the drug problem in the US, legalise it, treat problems as health issues, and sort it out that way. At least the drugs will be predictable and safe to use and would probably kill the fentanyn problem. Fentanyn is a crazy stupid drug to take but when other options are removed, why not take it. Druggies arent know for good decision making but if a cheaper and safer drug is available without legal consequences, they buy it.
People who lost their jobs to China and their children especially, are easy prey for dealers, in those Rust Belt areas and it’s the reason our life expectancy is lower than reality. If you take gun Deaths ( often drug related) and fentanyl and other illicit drugs out of the equation, our lifespans get very high but I digress.
This demonstrates your ignorance again.
People lost their jobs to China because US companies gave their manufacturing orders to China.
China didnt steal anything or break the rules, they applied the rules of capitalism and did it better and cheaper than the US and the US bought into it.
When globalisation started it was obvious to me at the time that this would happen. Everyone loved the idea of cheaper goods but the general population failed to understand that jobs in rich countries would be lost and the rich economies would be weakened over time because manufacturing is the backbone to strong economies.
The companies profiting from cheap products didnt care even though they knew what would happen over the long term because companies dont give a shit about twenty years later. This years profits, and next pears profits is all the matters.
And it worked. US companies made huge profits while gutting the US lol.
It is fucking hilarious when you think about it.
You complain about and blame China when it is a US self inflicted wound and you still cant see it. No wonder you voted for Trump.
Our only other choice is to declare these actions acts of war and I don’t think you ugly anti- American , ingrates would like that better.
Actually, there are other options but war is all the US knows.
So us ingrates get to follow the US lead into wars that dont need to happen and we get to watch our people die so US companies can make a profit.
And you wonder why we are on our knees bowing to the greatness that is the US of fucking A.
So, Bottomline is Trump uses Tarrifs as a threat, as leverage, to get fair play from our trading partners , it seems to me this is a reasonable approach.
The bottom line if the US lost the war of capitalism.
China played fair, used its advantages for its benefit, and now they are winning.
The US cries foul and begins to use the leverage the US has to gain back some ground. But the leverage the US uses isnt to manufacture better and cheaper than China, it uses unfair tactics that, ironically, will end up hurting the US more.
The way I see the US use of tariffs is like this... a guy with a knife threatens his enemy with the knife and begins to swing wildly to inflict wounds of their enemy but in the process begins to self inflict wounds while saying, "If you dont do what I tell you, I will keep cuting us both."
The US create globalism and now it isnt working for the US the US does what it always does an wants to change the rules of engagement regardless of the legality of it all.
Tarriffs dont work, we begin shooting and blame everyone else for the US violence on others.
Remember, the U.S. doesn’t need food, we have enough energy when we go back to manufacturing it next month, we have gas, coal, oil and Uranium, not to mention, wind, solar , water.
We lead in Technology and medical research , we can go back to manufacturing all of our drugs, cars and bring home the outsourced jobs we allowed to go to India, Asia etc
We also are there to defend our allies , our real allies if and when they need it, life changes very quickly when the U.s. decides not to act and mind its own business and if you think the Chinese don’t have evil intentions you aren’t watching as they fle military might and increase military assets every day throughout the world.
Wake up and smell the roses or learn Mandarin and Russian quickly. House to either be with the U.S. or with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran, that’s a nice group worried about woke things, isn’t it.
If the US doesnt need outside food... feed yourself. But that would mean US companies would have to reduce their profits because other countries are prepared to pay more than the locals.
You can feed yourself easily enough, but it isnt as profitable.
And if you think US manufacturing can do everything the US requires next month, you have no idea what is involved for that to happen. At best, it will take at least 15 years to do that assuming 100% cooperation between the US govt and private companies.
How funny would it be if Trump forced private companies to do things for the good of the US?
Can you see the irony in that? Probably not.
I have seen how the US defends it allies... it isnt pretty. It would be wonderful if the US removed its bases off Australia, for example, because it would remove the nuclear threat for us entirely and we wont have to send our people to fight US wars, and we wouldnt have to make idiotic deals for submarines we dont need... that sounds fantastic... lets hope the US does it.
But it wont because the US likes the control and profits from places like Australia.
Unlike you, we dont look at China and Russia as deadly enemies. We can trade with them, both sides do well, there are no signs from China that it is expansionist. If China did attack Australia (not sure why they would other than to take out US bases) it would be a shitshow for them. It is cheaper, less deadly, and more profitable to trade for the goods they need from us.
Only the US thinks wars are needed to do well.
The only thing the US is really good at and I suspect most people agree with this is they made global shipping lanes safer.
But, that was mostly to ensure globalisation could happen.
And since the US doesnt want that anymore, the safer seas the US provides could end.
But, maybe the seas would remain relatively safe anyway because the world likes trading with each other these days.