Trump has released a large number of unhinged social media tweets. His Greenland obsession is the most glaring, but there are quite a number of fundamentally irrational statements about tariffs, fiscal matters, NATO, and much more.
Some suggest these are "distractions" -- calculated outrageous matters to avoid scrutiny of real matters of importance. This can't be the case, he hasn't even taken power yet. There is literally nothing his administration is doing for which he needs distraction, because his administration doesn't exist yet.
Others suggest these statements are to set up more strategic positions for future negotiations. Although being unpredictable *can* be useful for *some* strategic negotiations, being utterly unhinged across a wide array of issues will more likely to result in a severe reluctance by any negotiation partner to agree to any kind of deal. Being generally unhinged is not a rational strategy, and it burns up much good will, which takes sustained effort to build and maintain.
No, Trump is seriously irrational, with ill-informed and nonsensical conclusions and initiatives. Irrationality can be significantly present in many leaders and still be manageable, because most such minds have the good sense to be quiet about such thoughts.
Some of Trump's flaws are long-standing. He's a severe narcissist and quite sociopathic, with a glaring lack of empathy. His intellect has always been mediocre, to put it charitably.
What's clearly worsening is his
disinhibition. He can't keep crazy and destructive thoughts quiet and bottled up any more. He now blurts them out, much more than before. He will surely act them out, as soon as he can just start signing executive orders. For a President, ordering an executive order to be drawn up for his signature is approximately as easy as sending out a personal tweet.
This level of problematic disinhibition, at his age, strongly suggests some sort of dementia. There are a number of distinct dementia syndromes, with different identifiable characteristics. Prominent disinhibition is suggestive of, especially, behavioral variant Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD). See, for example:
Towards better management of disinhibition in frontotemporal dementia"Disinhibition is one of the main symptoms of the behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), a type of dementia associated with degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Patients with bvFTD exhibit behaviors that are considered inappropriate, to the point that caregivers and family members may feel helpless.
"The effects of bvFTD on behavior are particularly pronounced...Changes in personality expression, apathy, impaired judgment and empathy, inappropriate conduct... the manifestations of disinhibition can be specific to each individual and vary according to the environment and social situations
"disinhibited behaviors exist along a spectrum, and that it is simply their intensity and frequency that defines their pathological nature in frontotemporal dementia."
Buckle up world. This will be a bumpy ride.