There are few very good points in the video, but also things that are completely US centered. You can't just say that things you don't understand are stupid, like about the relations between the Baltic states and Russia.
Europe is the country of the human rights, so yes, China is not as great as what he thinks for Europe. China right now is a main competitor on world markets, so yes, it's not sure that the best thing Europe can do is open the doors.
Of course Europe needs peace with Russia, but peace requires trust. It's the war in Ukraine that made the way for Finland and Sweden in the NATO, so you could say that it was also a mistake that Russia made.
My recommendation would be that if people wouldn't just find stupid what they don't understand, maybe it would be easier to built a better world.
I agree that Europe needs to find a way that is independent of the US before the US decide that they don't need Europe anymore. If Europe has to pay the US for it's protection, it can also organize it without the US. Europe would probably be better off now that the US seem to wish war around Europe.
Since WWII, there was a deal between the US which was US protection for an open European market, and if the US break their part of the deal, there is no reason for Europe to keep its part.
By the way, Hungary isn't know as the best example of democracy, but it looks like the US don't care about democracy, for sure not in South and Central America or in the middle east. That's one main difference between the two sides of the north Atlantic. Well, Europe didn't care for democracy in the colonies.