This topic is to discuss what types of government (if any) are going to proliferate as collapse approaches and overtakes us. I believe that answers will vary depending on current wealth, power, geographic location, religion, culture, climate change, Peak Oil, famine, current political structures (you can't get everywhere from here), past political structures (you can sometimes go back to what you used to do), population levels, how armed the populace is compared to the current government, what you have that others want, etc. Speculate to your hearts content.
One restriction if you don't mind. Off limits will be ideological arguments for or against any specific type of government. They all suck in one way or another and arguing about their finer points or lack thereof is not relevant to what ends up being implemented in the future (unless of course you get to be the dictator, but then you don't have to argue anyway).
A not so short primer follows on types of government so that we all are working from a version of the same sheet of music. It is as confusing as hell to be honest. A Wiki link I plagiarized from. A government is the system by which a nation, state, county, community, tribe or corporation executes its laws/policies and creates new laws/policies.
Identifying what type of government one of the above entities uses seems trivial at first (for example most Americans think we have a democratic government because that is what they are taught as children), but when you examine how the government is structured and functions you get a very different answer (the US is technically a Federal Republic but arguably functions as a Plutocracy which was, of course, the intention of the country's Founders in 1786... I think).
Terminology issues need to be kept in mind. We have posters here from all over the world and the words liberal, conservative, socialist, republican, etc. don't mean the same thing in the US as they do in many other places. For example in many places in the world the word "Liberal" when associated with a political party means the opposite of what it does in the US. In other words the Liberal party is the 'conservative' party outside the US (if that makes any sense). We will probably confuse each other a lot.
Forms of government are categorized by 1) who holds decision making power, 2) who elects or puts those decision makers in those positions of power, and 3) how power distribution is structured. Overlying the above are socio-economic and political system attributes (i.e. the damn commies and ugly capitalists... or is it the other way around).
1 Who holds decision making power is broken down into aristarchic, autocratic, monarchic or pejorative attributes. There are 6 kinds of aristarchic structures (aristocracy, meritocracy and technocracy among them); 4 kinds of autocratic structures (autocracy, despotism, fascism & dictatorship); 7 kinds of monarchic structures (various kinds of monarchies and emirates); and 7 kinds of pejorative structures (bankocracy, kleptocracy, corporatocracy among them).
2 Who puts the decision makers in power is broken down into authoritarian, democratic, oligarchic, and a libertarian/other categories. There are 2 authoritarian structures (authoritarian and totalitarian); 7 kinds of democratic structures (demarchy, democracy, direct democracy, liberal democracy, social democracy, totalitarian democracy, representative democracy); 7 kinds of oligarchic structures (theocracy, plutocracy, oligarchy, stratocracy among them); 7 kinds of the libertarian/other structures (anarchy/libertarian, Maoism, banana republic among them). NOTE: My bias shows here as I am one of those that argues that libertarians are just the conservative (in the US sense) wing of the anarchist political movement. In other words libertarians are anarcho-capitalists and anarchists (in the US sense) are most commonly anarcho-syndicalists or anarcho-communists). YMMV.
3 Power distribution is broken down into Republican, Federalism and miscellaneous attributes. There are 7 kinds of Republican structures (Republic, Federal Republic, Socialist Republic, Islamic Republic, Parliamentary Republic, etc); 3 kinds of Federalism structures (Federalism, Federal Monarchy, Federal Republic); and there are 9 kinds of miscellaneous structures (Presidential, Parliamentary, Anarchy, Chiefdom, Bureaucracy, etc).
The structures which overlay 1,2 & 3 above are the socio-economic and political system attributes. Socio-economic systems are broken down into 5 types (Capitalism, Communism, Feudalism, Socialism, Welfare State); and political system is broken down into 4 types (Elitism, Polyarchy, Centrist, Personalist).
If you think the above is complicated it is only scratching the surface. But it is fair to say that almost every combination of the above pieces which are not incompatible with each other have been or are currently being used to govern people. I don't think there has ever been a working Direct Democracy, a Corporate Republic; or an established Anarchist/Libertarian State (though if Franco's side had lost the Spanish civil war we would have had one). I do think that Corporate Republics have a good chance of being tried however. Direct Democracy not so much. Note that many words used in discussions like this are not used exactly the same way as in general casual conversation (at least in the US) so don't be shy about looking things up in those Wiki pages.
One can review all the above and lots more by visiting the following Wiki page and all the links it leads to (all of it would take hours). think that is enough structure to get us started (maybe way too much), but if anyone has corrections (I am no expert in this and may have messed some of it up) to the above or thinks more needs to be added feel free.
Now I have to start working on a post of what kind of governments I think are going to show up in various places. So much to do, so little time.